The Complete Story with Callie,
hosted by Andrea Wady!
of the
The Complete Story with Callie,
hosted by Andrea Wady!
The HorseClass community has been captivated by Callie Kings adventures across the Mongolian Steppe. We came together from all around the world to watch her tracker dot streak across the open plain, over the mountains, through the rivers and ultimately across the finish line.
Are you ready for the debrief? One whole hour of Callie sharing her adventure with you! What were the ponies like? What was the most challenging situation? What can we learn from her adventure?
We all noticed, as did the rest of the world how brilliant Callie’s horsemanship was, we don’t just mean riding, but her whole approach. Its time to hear how she did it and what her mindset was.
There is much to learn about Callie’s adventure, so many questions to answer. Don’t worry if you didn’t follow the race, this is a live event about adventure, living your dreams and learning from extreme life situations.
Join us for this totally free
“The Spirit of the Steppe” event!
Callie will share all and more about her adventures and the lessons she learned. Also it will be the unveiling of Callie and Andrea’s exclusive new project, its like nothing they have done before. Exciting times ahead!