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Satya Keyes teaches the essence of great horsemanship, not through training techniques, understanding horse behavior, or knowing how to ride better, but through connecting to our innermost selves.
Satya gives his students the experience, not just the idea of, true presence. Being in the senses, being with oneself, and seeing the horse from this place of no agenda, expectations, or training regimen to follow.
It is through being present and connected that the “feel” of great horsemanship is available. While many instructors teach techniques for what to do with the horse, Satya shares techniques for what to do first with ourselves, so that every interaction with our horse is richer, fuller, more precious.
Satya is versed in meditation and mindfulness training in Japan, and India and Hawai’i for over 40 years; as well he is a Master Depth Psychologist with an emphasis in Creativity and DreamTending dream work; He is also a Certified Reiki Master for Humans and Horses/Animals; He is trained in horsemanship in Liberty work thru Carolyn Resnick of CRM, Neda DeMayo of Return to Freedom, and Callie King of HorseClass.
Satya leads Call of the Horse – On Inward Trails, a Training Program to slow down, develop awareness, hear the voice of intuition, and see their relationship with their horse in a new way.