Wild Horses

Learn More about our Non-Profit Partner,
Return to Freedom

Our Goal:

Cover hay costs for the sanctuary for the rest of 2021.
Hay costs have been extremely high this year. California, and much of the American West, is in a severe drought, affecting both grazing and the cost of hay.
Return to Freedom provides sanctuary for over 600 wild horses and burros, and the cost of supporting these beautiful animals is immense.
It will cost approx. $85,000 to feed the horses and burros for the rest of this year.
Return to Freedom has a donor willing to match every dollar donated to cover hay costs, so our goal as a HorseClass community is to raise $42,500 for hay costs.
Return to Freedom has a donor willing to match every dollar donated to cover hay costs, so our goal as a HorseClass community is to raise $42,500 for hay costs.
You can click here to learn more about Return to Freedom, and then be sure to return to this page to make your matched donation.

We have several levels of donation to join in this cause:

$1000 donation

  • Shipped workbook – for this level of donation, let’s ship the workbook and new BRC goodie box – free of charge even to RTF
  • Call with Callie and Satya “Following the Call of Wild Horses”
  • RTF swag

$100 donation

  • Call with Callie and Satya “Following the Call of Wild Horses”
Because every dollar accounts, you can also click here to make any size donation that is possible for you.

Visit Return to Freedom's website and give.

Are you interested in making an even bigger impact?

If you are able to contribute to this cause of $5000 or more click the button below and schedule a call here to learn more about a special and exclusive 3 day event to experience the wild horses in a way that has never been done before.

Coming Soon!