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The Effortless Rider®️ Jumping Course

with Wendy Murdoch

From Cavaletti to Courses

About Wistia

Yes, I'm ready to become an Effortless Jumper!

Enrollment Closes Soon on April 20th

Learn Jumping… The Way it Used to Be Taught

Riding a leaping horse is a feeling out of a dream. Art, history, and legend have romanticized and honored the jumping horse and its rider.

The moment the horse leaves the ground, even for those few split seconds, is like flying.

No matter how valuable all the groundwork and flatwork exercises we practice, and how graceful it feels to flow through the movements of dressage, there is perhaps nothing as exhilarating as riding a jump.

Whether that jump is coming out of a hunter course line, the final fence of the jump off, a small crossrail in your home arena, or even just a log out on the trail, jumping should be fun, perhaps the ultimate feeling of connection with your horse.

But when the rider is not in sync with the horse, jumping can be scary.

Leaving the ground when you don’t feel balanced is not exhilarating, it can be terrifying, and unfortunately for many riders this has been their experience.

A lack of foundational skills means the rider has to compensate by holding on, gripping, leaning at the fence, always feeling unstable, not with the horse, sometimes getting ahead, and sometimes left behind.

Instead of enjoying the jump, they feel fear, or the frustration of not being able to move up, or of knowing they are unbalancing their horse but not knowing how to fix it.

In order to jump well, the horse needs to round over the fence, lifting their wither and reaching forward with their neck.

Poor jumping position makes it impossible for the horse to jump effectively, potentially causing refusals, run-outs, or rushing as the horse tries to avoid the discomfort that the rider is accidentally creating over the jump.

When the rider is not able to move well, the horse cannot jump well, and the two factors mean that horse and rider become more and more disconnected.

The Way Jumping is Taught has Changed

It no longer instills the proper foundation of riding skill necessary for confidence in horse and rider. 

We can see this in the style of jumping that is so common with many of today’s riders.

The rider has to hold on over the fence, squeezing with their legs, gripping the mane, and instead of the horse pushing the rider out of the saddle, the rider heaves forward to the fence, making the takeoff difficult for the horse.

Visit most local schooling shows and you are likely to see more riders struggling than succeeding. Horses stopping, running out, or jumping hollow, and the riders looking intimidated and worried.

Jumping form has changed to a position that is more style than effective riding. 

Lack of preparation due to an eagerness to just get out into the show ring has left riders struggling, without the foundation of skills they need to succeed.

Today’s common picture is of the jump rider that is perched on the neck of the horse, gripping with their calves, heels pushed low, and back hollowed, throwing their weight forward onto hands perched on the horse’s neck… a far departure from the riders of past generations, and the riders still at the top today, displaying balanced weight, a flat back, and giving hands.

Rider Position Influences a Horse's Ability to Jump

The position of the rider makes all the difference in the horse’s ability to jump effectively and safely.

Notice the difference in these two riders, starting with the functional position seen here in the second image of a rider with a flat back and following hand, allowing the back of the horse to come up over the fence, and remaining perfectly balanced from takeoff to landing.

Contrast this with the rider in the first image, who has ducked forward, putting all their weight on the horse’s neck, tightened their leg, and thrown their horse out of balance.

Many riders feel stuck at the same level of jumping when they would love to progress on, but they continue to struggle as the height or technicality of the jumps or courses increase.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

  • With the right foundation of exercises you can find a solid jump position that allows you to move with the horse, with the horse’s push from the ground into the jump effortlessly folding you into position, hands following the reins and the horse’s mouth into an effortless automatic release.
  • You can learn how to ride in a way that you can stay balanced and stable, even if your horse trips or stumbles in a line or takes off from a bad spot.

The difference between the riders of the past and today’s riders is in early training. Many riders today are taught jumping with more focus on getting over the obstacle than finding a solid position to stay safe.

The art of using progressive grids and exercises to build a solid foundation and the correct following movement over the jump has been all but lost.

Only a few trainers, and riders, learn to build up the jumping sequences in an order so that bad habits never develop and a safe, effective position is developed right from the start.

The Effortless Rider Workshop with Wendy Murdoch

Many riders feel stuck at the same level of jumping when they would love to progress on, but they continue to struggle as the height or technicality of the jumps or courses increases.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

With the right foundation of exercises you can find a solid jump position that allows you to move with the horse, with the horse’s push from the ground into the jump effortlessly folding you into position, hands following the reins and the horse’s mouth into an effortless automatic release.

You can learn how to ride in a way that you can stay balanced and stable, even if your horse trips or stumbles in a line or takes off from a bad spot.

The difference between the riders of the past and today’s riders is in early training. Many riders today are taught jumping with more focus on getting over the obstacle than finding a solid position to stay safe.

The art of using progressive grids and exercises to build a solid foundation and the correct following movement over the jump has been all but lost.

Only a few trainers, and riders, learn to build up the jumping sequences in an order so that bad habits never develop and a safe, effective position is developed right from the start.

Through achieving her certification as a Feldenkrais practitioner and working with pioneers in the art of riding and horsemanship, such as Sally Swift from Centered Riding, Linda Tellington Jones, and Dr. Hillary Clayton, Wendy developed a unique style of riding instruction. She explains in simple language the often complicated skills of riding and helps her students feel exactly what they need to change in order to ride better and become effortless.

She gives her students an education in anatomy and bio-mechanics, unmounted exercises that can be practiced anywhere, and a collection of simple riding “fixes” – easy techniques that help a rider feel and remember a new movement and then take it out to their horse.

In the years Wendy has been traveling and teaching, and now with this online Course, she leaves an impression with her students, whether they ride western, dressage, jumpers, endurance, or gaited horses – riders who are serious competitors or just in it for fun.

The Effortless Rider Workshop with Wendy Murdoch

Through achieving her certification as a Feldenkrais practitioner and working with pioneers in the art of riding and horsemanship, such as Sally Swift from Centered Riding, Linda Tellington Jones, and Dr. Hillary Clayton, Wendy developed a unique style of riding instruction. She explains in simple language the often complicated skills of riding and helps her students feel exactly what they need to change in order to ride better and become effortless.

She gives her students an education in anatomy and bio-mechanics, unmounted exercises that can be practiced anywhere, and a collection of simple riding “fixes” – easy techniques that help a rider feel and remember a new movement and then take it out to their horse.

In the years Wendy has been traveling and teaching, and now with this online Course, she leaves an impression with her students, whether they ride western, dressage, jumpers, endurance, or gaited horses – riders who are serious competitors or just in it for fun.


The Effortless Rider®️ Jumping Course

Work with international clinician Wendy Murdoch who teaches jumping as it used to be taught – developing balance in the rider right from the start.

You will learn the correct and functional biomechanics of jumping for the horse and the rider’s position.

In this program, Wendy will break down the process of learning jumping – beginning on the ground and progressing to specific exercises riding on the flat, over poles, grids, and then carefully designed courses to build each movement, skill, and feeling that you need to jump effectively and safely.

This careful progression of exercises is important, because when bad habits develop in jumping, they are very difficult to correct.

The moment of the jump happens so quickly that our old patterns and habits, correct or not, will take over as soon as we get to the jump. This is why you may know you need to sit back more, but you still lean forward at every jump.

It can be so frustrating to try and change your jumping position, because every time you get to the jump, the old habit is right there, taking over again.

In order to move past your old habits, practice of all the key phases of movement within the jump – the takeoff, flight, and landing – is necessary.

In the Effortless Rider®️ Jumping Course, Wendy will give you specific exercises for learning and feeling the correct position, movement, and habits required for each phase of the jump that will make you a safe and effective jump rider!

Throughout this Course you will learn:

Here is what you will learn in this program...

Module 1  The Biomechanics of Jumping

In Module 1, discover the Biomechanics of Jumping. What do both horse and rider need to do in order to jump effectively whether the distance is long or short and regardless of the height of the jump?

  • The Best Form for Horse and Rider to Jump
  • Learn why “getting into” two point position for the jump is one of the worst habits riders learn for jumping
  • How your saddle affects your jumping position

Module 2  Find Your Jump Position

In Module 2, Find Your Jump Position with unmounted exercises to feel each part of good movement over the jump.

  • Why the rider’s hips are so important for jumping
  • How to learn the feeling of an automatic release, right from the start
  • Finding a following hand, all through the jump course

Module 3  Stabilize Your Position

In Module 3, Stabilize Your Position through specific exercises to practice in the saddle, I bet you will have never practiced two point in this way! 
  • Feel the “right” angle for your upper body – forward, but not leaning!
  • Find how to have your weight on your thigh, instead of on the horse’s neck
  • Practice all the phases of the jump – take off, flight, and landing, from the ease of standing still to find the best position

Module 4  Work Over Poles

In Module 4, we begin Work Over Poles with specific exercises in all three gaits to develop different parts of your position, as well as learning how to have a “following hand”. These combinations of poles will get built into jumps and grids very soon!

  • The purpose of each type of release, including the real way to do a crest release
  • How to practice the skills you need for automatic release, right from the start!
  • Many unique exercises over poles including: Wave Behind You – Push on the Wall – Arms to Side Over Poles – Ballet Arm Movements – Push on Two Walls – Rotate Your Upper Body – Two Hands Forward Stride

Module 5  Building Grids

In Module 5, learn how to set grids, or combinations of jumps, to set yourself and your horse up for success, plus problem solving tips for when leaning forward, getting left behind, and finding the feeling of the horse jumping in perfect balance!

  • How to measure distances for poles and grids
  • Patterns to practice your turns for course work
  • Always setting you and your horse up for success through the grids

Module 6  Riding Courses

In Module 6, discover how to give effective aids around the course to make the many adjustments required to achieve desired speed, rhythm and accuracy.

  • How to slow down a rushing horse
  • Keeping your horse “in front of your leg” for good distances
  • Riding every turn with balance

Also Included with the Course

One on one Video Coaching

As part of this program, you get the opportunity to work one on one with Wendy through your video coaching session.

Send in a video of you training at home or out at a competition and get specific feedback on how you are progressing, what could be improved, and what your next training steps are.

Be ready for some invaluable feedback and insights!

Bonus Included for Free!

Course Critiques

Learn as Wendy critiques horse and rider combinations as they jump courses.

While watching, listen as Wendy gives advice on:

  • What each rider could do differently
  • Identifies what she sees as their strengths
  • What could be improved in the rider which will also help the horse to jump better

How Does The Course Work?


Go At Your
Own Pace

When you join the Effortless Rider Jumping Course, you’re in for life. There is no expiration date, and your access to the videos will never go away. Plus you can join in future rounds to deepen your jumping skills.


Get ALL Your Questions

As with all our premium HorseClass Courses, this is a well supported program – so that you keep making progress and don’t get stuck.

Ask Wendy any questions under each lesson video as you progress through the course and get invaluable feedback and insights through your Video Coaching with Wendy.

Messages from Students

"I was ready to quit..."

"Riding discipline doesn't matter"

Video Thumbnail

"Helped immensely in becoming a better rider"

Video Thumbnail

"Doing less for lighter and more enjoyable riding"

Kind Words from Students

Your Instructor Wendy Murdoch

International instructor and clinician Wendy Murdoch has been teaching riding for over 30 years, traveling the world to work with thousands of horses and riders from every discipline.

What makes Wendy unique in her style of teaching is the combination of her background in science along with her broad education, and her own personal experiences.

In her 20s Wendy had a severe riding accident that changed her life forever. In a wheelchair and released from the hospital with no physical therapy, Wendy was determined to return to riding… but because of her injuries she struggled with traditional riding instruction.

Wendy began learning about how our bodies move and function well, and how we can return to comfortable movement and effective riding even after accidents, long breaks from riding, or even years of ineffective practice.

Through achieving her certification as a Feldenkrais practitioner and working with pioneers in the art of riding and horsemanship, such as Sally Swift from Centered Riding, Linda Tellington Jones, and Dr. Hillary Clayton, Wendy developed a unique style of riding instruction. She explains in simple language the often complicated skills of riding and helps her students feel exactly what they need to change in order to ride better and become effortless.

She gives her students an education in anatomy and biomechanics, unmounted exercises that can be practiced anywhere, and a collection of simple riding “fixes” – easy techniques that help a rider feel and remember a new movement and then take it out to their horse.

In the years Wendy has been traveling and teaching, and now with this online Course, she leaves an impression with her students, whether they ride western, dressage, jumpers, endurance, or gaited horses – riders who are serious competitors or just in it for fun.

This Course is a Great Fit for You If...

You Want to Feel Safe and Secure Over Jumps

Learn how to jump without gripping or holding on, so you can feel in unison with your horse as you sail over the jumps!

You Are Ready to Finally Get Past Those Old Habits Holding You Back

If you know what your weak points are, for example leaning at the fence, or pinching with your knee, or feeling your lower leg swing, but have not been able to solve these issues in the past, this course will help you finally get past those old habits and jump with confidence.

You Have Never Jumped Before and Want to Start Safely

The exercises Wendy teaches through this course is how jumping should be taught for every rider, developing the right foundation of skills so you can enjoy jumping and feel secure right from the beginning.

You Need to Work Through a Problem

Many times the rider’s lack of balance or inadvertently “getting in the way” of the horse contributes to the horse’s anxiety around jumping and the development of bad habits. When you can improve your ability to ride jumps with balance, encouraging your horse to use themselves in the best possible way, your horse will be more willing and able to jump to the best of their abilities!

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The Effortless Rider®️ Jumping Course!

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As with all of our HorseClass programs, I want you to be completely confident and comfortable joining The Effortless Rider®️ Jumping Course.

​If you are not satisfied with this Course for any reason, return it for a full refund within 30 days of joining.

We would love to have you join us!


As an Effortless Rider®️ Course member, you can use your special member’s discount of 20% before 11:59pm 18th March US Eastern time when you join The Effortless Rider®️ Jumping Course. (Applies to One Pay only.)

Use your coupon code 20off at checkout!

There is a timer at the top of this page that shows you when your coupon code will expire.

​I get it, life is busy! When you join the Effortless Rider®️ Jumping Course, you are a member for life. You can go through the Course now or later, as often as you want and at your own pace! You can also participate fully with each live round of the Course and work on new goals.

No, you do not need to own your horse, however, you will need to have the ability to set the grids and exercises for the horse you are riding in order to get the most out of these exercises.

You can get started with Module One as soon as you join. The next modules are released weekly, but you will have continued access to all of the content to revisit as often as you like with your lifetime access.

This Course is designed to be as valuable to a complete novice looking to have some fun over poles or an advanced rider looking to be competitive in the showjump ring. The jumping position exercises and lessons will lay the correct foundations for Effortless Jumping, foundations that are often lacking in jump training and are the ‘groundwork’ for achieving stability over a jump for the comfort of both rider and horse.

While most of the Course content is delivered over the internet, the videos can be customized for playback in slow internet areas. If you do join and find that you can’t participate in the Course as you hoped, we offer a 30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee.

When you join The Effortless Rider®️ Jumping Course, you have lifetime access to the entire Course, so you can go through at your own pace, and retake the Course as many times as you wish!

Absolutely! All of our courses here at HorseClass are designed to help you get more out of any lessons or clinics you are already doing. This course will help to fill in the gaps, all the information that just can’t be covered in the scope of weekly lessons.

Scroll down to the contact form below and send me a message! ​​​​​

Here is Exactly What You Will Receive as a New Member​

6 Weeks of Online Course Content

  • Module 1: The Biomechanics of Jumping 
  • Module 2: Find Your Jump Position 
  • Module 3: Stabilize Your Position
  • Module 4: Work Over Poles
  • Module 5: Building Grids
  • Module 6: Riding Courses

One on One Video Coaching with Wendy Murdoch

BONUS Course Critiques with Murdoch

Lifetime Access to the Course

30 Day Full Money Back Guarantee

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