When To Blanket Image

Blanketing is a tricky topic in horse care. As owners, we want to provide our horses with the best care possible.

We feel good seeing them in a clean stall, wrapped in a cozy blanket…

But is this what our horse would choose also?

As my answer often goes for many questions, “it depends”.

Blanketing needs will vary for each horse, depending on their breed, haircoat, and acclimation to the climate.

Many horses don’t need a blanket at all, and wearing one could cause more harm than good, by limiting their natural ability to thermo-regulate.

Learn more about how horse’s naturally stay warm and how to tell if and when your horse needs a blanket in the video below.

Want more? Take a look at this study, where horses were taught to indicate their own blanketing preferences.


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62 Responses

  1. Thanks, Callie,
    To date I have not blanketed any of my horses and I live in northern IL. When wind chills fall to -15F or below, the horses are kept in. They are also kept in, or brought in, when it rains and it’s below 60F.
    When the temperature drops below 20F the amount of hay that they are fed while outside is increased.
    There are only a couple of my boarder’s that blanket, which I believe is out of habit rather than necessity.
    I own a variety of breeds and ages and have found that the horse seems to grow the coat the horse needs. My older horses tend to grow longer coats than the younger ones. We check on the horses throughout the day when it’s cold and if I ever feel a horse would be more comfortable with a blanket, then that’s what that horse will get.

  2. Thanks, Callie. I live in the Upper Michigan and have recently been grappling with the blanket question. I knew about them raising the hair to create the insulation and my horse does get very fuzzy in winter, so I don’t usually worry about cold days – she is Wisconsin bread Morgan, who spends her life in the Upper Michigan. I did start blanketing her when it is a combination of rain/wet snow/wind and then a temperature drop. The most helpful part of your video was about that while they look cold covered in snow (and makes me feel guilty), she is probably just as toasty as you say. So thank you – I trust your blog and wanted a second opinion to compare with what my barn manager says.

  3. I blanket according to weather conditions, but unless the weather is severe my horses usually do very well without them. They have shelter, but usually prefer to be out in the field. I have general guidelines … if it’s going below zero, I usually get the blankets on and keep them inside. On those days they don’t seem to mind staying in, even tho’ they are usually outside all day. Wind and rain also play a part in the decision. Another thing to consider is whether or not a blanket is waterproof. A soaked blanket isn’t just very heavy for your horse to carry around, it can suck away body heat and make them chilled. If the horse can’t stay dry under the blanket, it’s better off without it. Same thing for if they really don’t need the blanket and get sweaty underneath.
    Fit is also important. I know one horse who grew white scar hairs everywhere the blanket rubbed because the blanket obviously didn’t fit well. And of course there’s the safety factor of possibly getting tangled up in loose straps, etc. if everything isn’t adjusted well.
    It’s a complicated decision and sometimes it’s a matter of trial and error!

  4. Thanx. This helped me do decide if and when I blanket my “robust” pony.
    I own a “fluffy” Pony, but we have had this autumn weeks with enduring cold rain, and my Pony shivered sometimes. So thanks to your input I will blanket her in rainy nights next autumn. She lives in a small herd in an open stable.

  5. My horse occasionally gets blanketed depending on temp and windchill. I live in minneapolis, Minnesota. This her blanket she making good use of. Last year I only used for a couple of days. However, i dont blanket until below 0 usually January. Do this so she grows a nice coat. I use believe rider international.

  6. Yes, these critters evolved in temperate climate so unless left out in very cold wind I see seldom use for a blanket on most horses. Now, please tell us more about Costa Rica and what type of riding you all were doing!
    Was it mostly beach or did you go up into the jungle? Thanks, John

    1. I want to hear about Costa Rica also… I just did 2 equestrian vacation in 2017. 1. Lipica, Slovania with white stallions and Argentina Polo. I really wanted to do Costa Rica and want to for my next adventure or even Patagonia!!

  7. Some barns blanket show horses so they don’t need to body clip often. Also there are those who blanket so if the horse rolls in mud he is easier to clean. I guess that makes sense if you have a lit of horses .

  8. I don’t blanket my horses and they have a run in shed. This year I have begun to blanket my 29 yr old Arab as she is quite thin and missing teeth. I do give more hay as the temperature plunges. I was instructed by a vet that over grooming robs the horse of valuable oils which also serve in warmth. At any rate, my horses are healthy and happy and eat a lot of hay. Thank you Callie for raising the question.

  9. I live in Massachusetts, and have never blanketed any horse I have kept at home. There’s free access to a stall and a connecting shed to the corral. Our weather changes so frequently and rapidly here that (if I blanketed) I would always worry that I should run home from work to take it on or off. Much better to leave it up nature in my case! When boarding a horse at a local stable, I felt comfortable blanketing because the staff there were always on top of things.

  10. I blanket when it gets in the 20’s and 30’s here in Redding CA. I would rather blanket then have to feed more because they are cold. they have stall access 24/7.

  11. Thanks Callie! Awesome explanation about the hair trapping air and how they act as insulation. Sometimes I wonder if we should teach our horses to simply tell us if they want to be blanketed or not instead of us just doing this to them. We could give them the choice. There was a study published in the journal of Applied Animal Behavior Science that talked about doing this. They taught 23 horses how to communicate if they wanted to have a blanket or not. It was so cool to read how the horses communicated their preferences in different weather conditions. The horses seemed to have their own opinions or preferences about it. It would be cool to know if anyone has ever done this with their horses. Here is the link to the study: http://www.appliedanimalbehaviour.com/article/S0168-1591(16)30219-2/fulltext#sec0050

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I think that my horse does communicate her wishes to me concerning blanketing. She’s a Mustang from Nevada, but has lived in CT for 17 yrs. I felt I had to blanket her because everybody else was & I felt like a bad “mom” leaving her naked. She’s very smart & gentle & has a great sense of humor. She will grab my waistband when I’m bent over picking hooves, but she doesn’t bite. However, when trying to blanket her she will nip at me. I interpret that as her expressing her opinion of the blanket & I must respect that – they only have so many ways of communicating w/us & we must pay attention.

      1. Your horse is lucky to have you Shannon! It’s so great that you are open to listening to what your horse might be trying to communicate to you.

  12. Thanks so much for this information. As a new horse owner, pasture boarding in SE Wisconsin (with plenty of shelters), I chose to blanket my boys for the very reason you stated – I was chilly! After getting through a particularly brutally cold winter and noticing that the horses not blanketed seemed to do just fine, I’m going to try my hardest to leave them unblanketed next winter. My husband keeps asking me who changes the blankets on the wild horses in Montana? Good point!

  13. Thanks for a great video. I would also add, as a veterinarian and horse owner, that overblanketing (too heavy a blanket for the situation, or blanketing when it is not actually needed) can cause sweating under the blanket – which can lead to chills and skin disorders, especially if the hair coat was not clean when the blanket was applied.

    1. Thank you for sharing that Susan – that is an important thing to keep in mind in managing blanketing!

      Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  14. Thanks for this video, Callie. Very informative. Can you provide a bit of guidance regarding how to determine the appropriate size blanket and how a blanket should fit/look on a horse when it is appropriately sized. Thanks.

    1. Most catalogs that sell blankets have sizing chart. I like a blanket that allows the shoulders to move. The blanket shouldn’t be too tight or two loose.

  15. Here in South Florida we generally blanket under 50 if they stay out all night in turnout. Remember they are used to 80-90 degree heat even in winter so when it gets in the 30’s and 40’s they do get cold. Some nights can get down to mid 30’s and be high 80’s the next day.

  16. Callie,
    Please demonstrate how to put-on and take-off a blanket. Please demonstrate how to avoid static-electric shock. Please address how to respond when you experience static-electric shock coming as you are in the process of de-blanketing i.e. you know that the static has just built and if you move the shock will come. Please respond to techniques for regaining trust in the horse who has been shocked by blanket static-electricity. And, obviously, recommend what to buy and what to avoid in blankets.

    1. Ginny – you are a Training Journals member and we actually just posted a series on blankets in Training Journals that covers your questions 🙂

      Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  17. I live in central Canada where temps can get subarctic. I have stopped blanketing all together in the winter. My horses have access to a bedded shelter and 24 h access to hay. On those rare days when it rains and it’s cold, I’ll bring them in the barn. I find that even the best fitting blanket will move and rub and I love keeping my horses unrestricted in their movement. I ride in non-insulated arena and watch that my horse doesn’t get too sweaty. My horses put on a bit of extra weight for the winter and do absolutely fabulous throughout our cold winters doing what their best at doing – being horses – one of the most adaptable creatures on the face of the earth no matter what climate.

  18. I board my gelding at a facility in Massachusetts that does 24/7 turnout (with two run-ins, and lots of shelter provided by tree branches), no blankets unless the owner wants them on. I don’t blanket my horse, but I don’t always feel good about leaving him with nothing on, especially in the rain. He had some rain rot this winter, which cleared up nicely, but I am still torn about the blanketing issue. Most of my agonizing over his comfort comes from my own distaste for the winter and inclement weather. He was turned out 24/7 all summer in a field with no run-in shelters (except,again, from the branches of nearby trees), and I didn’t worry about him as much. I will breathe a sigh of relief when winter, mud season, and rainy days subside, giving way to warmth, sunshine, and great riding conditions!

  19. Hi Callie
    Great subject to talk about. I agree completely with working and knowing your own horse to determine if a blanket is necessary. I have always been torn with the idea that if I chose to use a blanket during cold or wet days then let my horse in his stall at night do I remove the blanket for the night. I believe once the horse has been started with a blanket he will always need that blanket for the season. What are your thoughts on the occasionally using the blankets as needed?
    Thank you for your consideration and all you do!

  20. My horse is boarded. He is out with no shelter and gets chilled in the rain. The barn adopted a new policy that they decide on putting on a blanket or not, not the owner. Consequently I am upset about this and he has already been out in several downpours. Unfortunately it is the only place where he is out with other horses, has free choice hay, and a big space to run around. I am paying a lot of money to be told what I can’t do with my horse. I live on Cape Cod, MA, and boarding here, excuse me, sucks, and very expensive. I would like to move. I like Weatherbeeta and Tough 1 blankets.

    1. Come to Ocala, Florida! I’m curious about “expensive”? I am a new horse owner, going on 7 months with my 14 year old Paint mare, and learning, learning, learning (P.S. this was my 70th birthday gift to myself, and I am a brand new rider!) I pay $610 per month for pasture board 24/7, grass to graze, lots of hay, grain, beet pulp (that was the extra $10!) run-in shelter, automatic watering. I have a stall for emergencies, like tons of rain or illness, nice tack room, CLEAN bathroom (!) and nice, knowledgeable people who run the facility. Plus I am only feet away from the Florida Greenway Trails which are gorgeous. But $610 a month is expensive for me. Just curious what others pay for a similar boarding facility. I’m sure it must vary by region.

    2. Catherine, that sounds like a difficult situation. Have you tried voicing your concerns to the manager or owner of the facility?

  21. I live in the Northeast and I have a 12 year old OTTTB Gem who I blanket only when the temps drop down below 20 degrees in the winter. He has his own private large paddock out the back door of his stall at the barn where I have him boarded and so he is not confined to his stall all day. He will even go outside when it rains lightly. My question is if I need to blanket him and he’s still wet, should I dry him with towels or let him dry on his own. I’ve heard conflicting suggestions from other boarders. Also I notice that when it’s cold my horse rolls in the dirt and gets a good coating on him. I’ve heard that they do that to keep warm. Is that true? Thank you.

    1. Barbara, I would try to dry him as best as possible before putting a blanket on him – the best solution would be to put a cooler on him while he dries and then blanket him again if it is available to you to keep him out of the rain while in the cooler drying. If you are blanketing him I would remove the mud, leaving mud underneath could cause blanket rubs which can be painful!

      Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  22. I blanket my horse (he is partially clipped) when the temperature drops below 28 F generally. I am in Colorado and it can be cold and sunny – so it’s tricky to know how that feels to a horse. Also, my horse is boarded 25 minutes from my house so I am only able to go once/day. So I have to make a determination based on the night temp sometimes. He is large and uses an 87″ blanket – he has experienced some shoulder rubs but I bought a Jammies shoulder guard and that has helped significantly. I use Horseware Rambo blankets and am happy with them.

  23. Yes, I worry about rugging, as a rule of thumb I’ve fixed on forecast of <4degrees C, (39 F). If windy/ wet will definitely rug up, but if not I'll offer to rug her (untied, so she can leave) and if she walks off, just leave her, its taken some time for us. She and companion Shetland (unrugged) have walk in stables with thick shavings. Her coat doesn't fluff up (although she is a cob), and last winter was shivering 4 times in the morning. Rugged much more this winter. She usually stands to be rugged, especially when its due to be colder, and when she HAS walked off (politely!) its been marginal weather and she's not shivery in morning. Anyway she's rugless as I write, as its sunny if cold, but will have 200 gm rug tonight as snow forecast! Interesting to read the temperatures others rug up at. Thanks.

  24. My Gypsy Vanner came home to me in November, here in Maine. He had been shaved (except for feathers, mane and tail, of course) because I guess the breeder felt that it accentuated the feathering and extremely full mane and tail. I started to let his coat grow out. When we had -20 weather I blanketed him in a heavy weight, but lately he is in a rain sheet and when the temps reach 40’s, then nothing. I am curious to see how he grows out his coat next year. I’m hoping he won’t need anything except during the coldest days or when it’s wet out.

  25. Thanks for the video about blanketing. Could you address interaction when the blanket flattens the horses coat and thus reduced his natural ability to stay warm?

    1. Dwight, that is addressed in the video! When horses have a thick winter coat the hairs stand out and create an insulating layer of air, which they are able use to regulate their temperatures. If horses are blanketed the hair lays down and they aren’t able to regulate their temperature in the same fashion.

    2. Dwight, when we blanket the horse the hair that creates an air pocket lays down and he is no longer able to regulate his temperature on his own by raising and flattening his hair. I hope that answers your question!

      Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  26. The blankets I buy are 1200 denier, breathable , waterproof, have shoulder gussets and no fill. I blanket depending on the temperature, wind and rain and think they would be better off with one. It’s not always an easy decision to make. Even though they have shelter they stand in the rain. At the times when it starts raining before their blankets are on I feed them extra hay. Digesting the hay generates body heat. Each horse has two blankets in case a back up is needed. I buy WeatherBeeta* when they are on sale.

  27. I live in North-Eastern Europe, where the summers tend to be on the cooler side (though occasionally we have heatwaves up to 30C) and the winters can vary from warm&muddy to super cold – we have a lot of discussion about blanketing here. We have 2 popular native horse breeds which shouldn’t need any blankets, but still I see a lot of blanketing. For example my riding school decided to blanket the horses this winter to save on feeding costs. Though blanketing can create problems too: Callie mentioned rubbing and restricting movement. Also there’s a risk of over heating, especially on sunny days. Stick your hand under the blanket – it’s really warm there! I’ve noticed that many horses tend to get rather itchy – all the dandruff and sweat gets stuck under there. That’s maybe why some horses really hate blankets.

    1. That is a great point Tiiu! I think they aren’t able to roll and get those ‘itchy spots’ I think when they are wearing blankets. Restrictions to movement and overeating are definitely two very serious concerns as well.

    2. We try to always have free-choice way for the horses, digesting keeps them warm! Risk of over heating is definitely a concern – this winter in PA we’ve had huge fluctuations in temperatures and you’ll still see horses with blankets on over 70 degree Fahrenheit. Thanks for making some great points here!

      Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  28. My herd of five horses and one mule are never blanketed here in Montana. They have a large run-in that accommodates all of them and get extra hay overnight when it is hovering around zero or below. None of them have ever been clipped. I have a BLM mustang from Wyoming, two AQHA. and two Arabians. All have spent their lives here so they are well-acclimated. I thought my oldest gelding (29) would like a blanket this year, but we decided to go without after he kept trying to get out of it. I really appreciate your videos and training style, including your affiliation with Wendy M. Wish Pennsylvania was a bit closer, would enjoy taking lessons from you. Thanks for consistently great info.

    1. Kirsten we’d love to have you to PA for an event!

      Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  29. Lots of opinions on this topic, varying from barn to barn. The common denominator, as you emphasize, depends on the horse and the environment. I have a large 8yo Thoroughbred, unclipped, on a 6 day regiment of training. He has grown a bit of hair, but nowhere near your horse in the video. He is out for 12 hours a day, 2 day inside this winter (today!) more for the intense mud that we have had then the rains though this morning the rain was pretty heavy when i had arrived at the barn. There is also a quite a fetch over the fields, so a lot of wind and not much to block it. He gets a rainsheet under 50, lightweight under 40, and a medium weight if below freezing for some time. I am there daily, and occaissionally twice to change out for some of the radical changes in temp recently. I have bought rugs that are highly breathable (disposed of 2 that were not), and check Chomsky for both sweating and shivering, neither of which has happened (yet). In the summer, I have a Bucow (Irish) white rainsheet that is extremely breathable and light, also does UV. He is out with another gelding, comes to greet me when I get him from the field, and has no problems returning after our time in the indoor when the outdoor footing is poor (most of the past 2 months regretfully). The barn/indoor (connected) temperature is very similar to outdoor temperatures, without the wind. I think it balances out as all the horses are far more active on a windy day, therefore generating some warmth. I am considered a bit conservative in the barn (less blanketing then most), but the barn manager is very experienced and I always consult for confirmation. There are a couple of horses in the barn that seem to sport the coat similar to your horse in the video, they are not blanketed, many of the horses are clipped as are competing both locally and in Florida currently.

  30. Hi Callie,
    Loved the video, we live in Bulgaria and the winters can be really harsh out here, must admit though we’ve always tried to let the horses grow a good coat, they graze during the day but are in their stables overnight, and if it goes below -3C at night we rug them up with just stable rugs, this is only to give them help being stood in the stable overnight, in the morning the coats come off and they can do what comes naturally, and keep themselves warm. Feel that they are quite happy with this system.

  31. I live in the Pacific Northwest..cold and wet & unfortunately blanketing is a necessity. I definitely agree there can be a tendency to judge our horses needs based on our own…I do my best to avoid over-heating my horse…luckily he has a minimal winter coat so tends not to get too sweaty & no need to clip! As far a blanket brands go, it does depend on individual fit. I have found the Horseware Ireland blankets..Amigo, Rambo etc…work well in this climate since you can purchase liners with varying weights of fill that velcro into the rain sheets and the liners are easier to wash than heavy winter blankets. Thanks for another great video!

  32. Popular topic! Thank you, Callie! I live in Alberta Canada and we get temperatures as low as-40 Celsius, with a windchill bringing it down to -50 Celsius. We NEVER blanket horses. Even the geriatric gang develop a really really thick coat and far be it from me to mess with that. I have watched this phenomenon carefully over the past 10 years or so, and I have noticed that the colder the temperatures, the longer/thicker the coats get. The horses’ bodies respond accordingly and I don’t think they need us covering them up. It does make for sore arms come shedding season tho’ LOL!

    1. Sore arms and covered in hair! The shedding process can be almost therapeutic at times 🙂

      Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  33. HI Callie
    This video was very timely!! We are experiencing an unusually severe winter here in the East of England. My horses haven’t had blankets on for about 6 years and all but one have fabulous coats. However my horsey neighbours think I am really crazy and one keeps offering me a rug for my big horse! So I sent her your really great explanation to back up mine – which was basically the same. However it is good to have someone else saying the same thing.
    I have had to make an exception with my 26 year old mare who has Cushings disease. I realised after 12 hour downpour just before Christmas that her coat just does not work properly any more. When she gets wet it curls round and is not waterproof. So now she has a rainsheet blanket on. It doesn’t have any filling but she is happily coping with any weather again.
    Thanks so much, your teaching style is fantastic.

  34. Hi Callie
    I’m new to having a horse…my Friesian filly was a Christmas present in 2016. Before that, I was riding other Friesians that belong to our friends. My girl is with 13 other Friesians and they all are outside without shelter all year long here in the Czech Republic. Recently, the weather has been really cold (-16C), but they all seem to be just fine. We do supplement their feed with natural vitamins and muesli during the cold months so perhaps this helps, too. The vet said that these horses are far healthier than the horses he visits that are kept inside and are blanketed.

    Thank you for your information…my husband will feel better knowing this information because he worries that Willow might be cold and thinks she should be in our barn…he’d probably let her in the house if it was possible.


    1. We have found the same – that horses kept outside with no blanket are typically must healthier! Keeping them inside might make a bit of a mess 🙂

      Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  35. Thanks, Callie. My OTTB lives in pasture board in a barn of about 25 horses, so blanketing and un-blanketing is a big undertaking. Winters in Coastal South Carolina have many mild days, but occasional cold and wet or bitter cold stretches. I’d say prolonged weather in the 20’s or predicted rain and in the 30’s are the thresholds. My mare has broad shoulders, so blanket fit has proved challenging. A shoulder guard was helpful with one Dover blanket, but when I had to replace it and ordered the exact same style a couple of years later, I had to add a chest expander and now only use this blanket as a back up. (But Dover was great in saying they’d take it back even after she had worn it while I was trying to find an alternative) Her primary is now an Amigo Wug which is cut high on the neck and seems to float better. She also caught a hind foot in the standard underbelly and leg straps once, so I like the Wug’s tail strap. It really is trial and error until you find the right fit.

    1. Very good point you brought up in your comment Kalli! Finding the right fit for your particular horse can be trial and error, I’ve heard many good things about the Wugs – especially on the Thoroughbreds!

      Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  36. Thanks for the video on this controversial topic. I am a new horse owner in a new area (southwest Montana) and the barn where I board my 13 year old quarter horse blankets the horses in winter. The barn staff vary them twice a day depending upon the temperature (which changes rapidly) and they seem to be very attentive to blanketing and always want the horses to be on the cool side rather than the warm side. I have 3 different Rambo blankets for him (which are outstanding) with various weights so they can keep him in the blanket most appropriate for the weather condition. He is outside 24/7 with access to cover from the wind and elements and has 24/7 access to high quality hay in 1″ hay nets for slow feed. I am happy with how he has settled in to his new home/environment and the attentiveness of the staff to blanketing.

  37. Hi Callie and Julia,

    Blanketing season is (thankfully) almost over here in East Tennessee, but I am just now getting around to watching this excellent video and wanted to share my experience.

    I just bought a horse in January, so I have only experienced wintertime / early spring horse ownership until now. My horse has a performance background and, from what I understand, was blanketed and stalled extensively by his previous owners. He came even came with three blankets. Although he had lived in this area for probably around two years, he came here from California, as did his last owner, who was afraid he would be too cold if left out in the elements (I think she may have been transferring her own seasonal challenges onto him :))

    I board my horse, and I chose the facility because it seemed to be a good fit in terms of the types of riding, horses, and facilities, with large, open European style stalls and no barbed wire or metal hayhoops in the pasture. What I have since learned about my own horse ownership and care preferences, though, is that I prefer lots more turnout than my horse is currently getting, and that my inclination would be to leave my horse unblanketed (and maybe even unshod, but that’s a different issue), whereas the barn manager there has all the horses on a blanketing schedule according to weather. I have a bit of trouble asserting my wishes sometimes and so I have not brought this issue up, knowing that the blanketing days are numbered until the fall at this point. I have, though, lobbied for a nighttime turnout so my horse will get to be out from anywhere between 5 to 7 pm to around 9:30 or 10:00 am the next morning starting May 1. (The barn workers do a really good job cleaning and feeding, but they do it at hours that, to me, seem more convenient to them than to the horses).

    I don’t really have a question, per se, but would be interested in any feedback from Callie or Julia, or anyone else who has a similar situation. As I become more knowledgeable about horse care and ownership and my own style/preferences, I am learning to assert myself more on behalf of my horse, and plan to have the “blanket discussion” with my trainer when the weather gets cooler again.

    1. Julianne – unfortunately sometimes finding a good facility is a little bit of give and take! I think I might have a solution for you as far as the blanketing. The system that we use here at the farm is a spread sheet with each horse and at what temperature they should have blanket or sheet in. Instead of just having the barn manager decide depending on the weather you could give them a list of temperatures (precipitation or no precipitation) and whether they should blanket or put a sheet on your horse. The turnout might be a tougher discussion if they are pretty set on their feeding times – although here we definitely prefer night turnout whenever possible as it gives the horses way more turnout (like you said) and the stalls stay cleaner saving sawdust!

      It sounds like they have a safe environment and try to do the best they can for the horses, I’m sure if you approached with your concern they would be open to accommodating for the well being of the herd! I hope that helps 🙂

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  38. This was great to watch, thank you. I’m very new to horses and am considering one of my own but have no knowledge of blanketing requirements. As a dog owner of 2 spoilt dogs, they love jackets, blankets and beds to sleep on when it’s cold, so i feel bad not blanketing. One question i do have is about rainy weather. I live in NSW Australia and we don’t get really cold weather, however we get alot of rain. Where i’m looking to agist have trees for shelter in the paddocks. Is there a simple raincoat that helps keep the horse dry without interfering with their thermoregulation?

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