Callie King Emergency Dismount Image

As riders, we have all had those moments where we have to make that split second decision – should I bail? We may look back and laugh about it, but in the moment, its actually a very important decision! Especially when you are learning to ride it can be much safer to know the limits of “what you can ride”, and get off when you feel trouble brewing!

Of course, every situation is different and we don’t want to get in the habit of jumping off every time our horse gets a bit fresh, however, being comfortable with doing an emergency dismount is still a good skill to have. In today’s video I show you the mechanics of doing an emergency dismount and discuss how you can practice it at home.

The moment when you feel the need to emergency dismount can cause fear and anxiety, for more tips on how to manage these emotions visit my Calm & Confident Rider Free Resource


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18 Responses

  1. Thank you for sharing, Callie! You always have great suggestions, techniques and teachings. I look forward to your next video.

  2. Callie, thank you for this bailout video. Excellent tips! I had one such moment last Monday where I seriously considered unclippiping his lead from the halter or work through his out of control spook at some horses whilst we were walking…I elected to hang on but those watching from afar couldn’t believe Boy didn’t run over the top of me during the three minute scenario. L.

  3. when the horse is rearing and about to fall backwards would i just push off harder so i land away from the horse? my horse has a bad habit of rearing.

    1. Yes, however I would definitely try to address the rearing issue. That is a dangerous one, and if your horse learns that you will get off when he rears, he may do it more frequently.

  4. Thanks for the great bailout video.

    Do you think you could do one on falling correctly? The few times I have fallen from my gelding were due to a sudden misstep I didn’t see coming and lost my balance.

    1. Hi Lynda,

      I will give it some thought, but I’m not sure I could cover that topic. To be honest I really don’t think about how I fall – it seems to be something my body has just learned to do…

  5. I am a 60 year old, 5’4 woman. Bella is a 16.2 hand Tennessee Walker. I know that if I have to bail, I have to bail. But I’m afraid if I practice this on her, I will kill myself! Any other ideas?

    1. Perhaps practice a quick dismount at the halt, then at the walk if you are comfortable. While emergency dismounts are a good thing to practice, its not worth it if it puts you at risk!

  6. I saw this video a few months ago and am glad that it stuck with me. Yesterday I was riding an unfamiliar horse, and at one point he pawed the ground, dropped his head and left shoulder and went to the ground fairly gently and rolled me off his back, and then then played in the dirt on his back. I didn’t know what was happening, but from your bailout video I had the idea to get my feet off the stirrups and hop off, which I did or he could have rolled on my leg and pinned me. Instead it was a gentle experience, and sort of funny. I was told next time to keep his head up if he starts to want to do this. I am a very novice rider and this horse has only had one very experienced dressage trainer . I am guessing he was tired of me bouncing on him in the trot and over using the reins to steer. In hindsight I can recall a lot of signals of frustration, but I am not adept at reading them as yet.

  7. Callie,
    I really love watching your videos and the way that you thank people for watching! I thank you, because I enjoy the way you teach and feel like you are genuine and sincere about helping fellow riders. I am 4 years new to horse back riding and last year had to bail on the right side due to a dangerous situation. I did not have my right foot completely cleared of the stirrup, got hung up for a split second, landed hard, but not hurt badly. I only had one rein, (split reins), but my horse stopped. I plan on practicing this one! Thank you very much for all your interesting videos/blogs!

  8. Very helpful demonstration thank you….and very athletic of you too! Also, I love it how all your horses have learnt to stand and relax so well.

  9. Hi Callie,

    Let me start by saying I find your videos extremely helpful, easy to understand and always full of great info. I have owned my 16 hand TB/QH horse for 19 yrs, he’s 23 but still thinks he’s 5. I’m 63, 4’10 with a knee replacement. We have a great relationship, he’s 99% of the time very respectful and takes good care of me but sometimes he’s a handful. There have been a few occasions throughout our time together when a dismount is necessary. Any ideas for someone my size who cannot really jump off . Again, thank you for all your time and info, no matter how long you have had your horse, there’s always room for improvement and to learn new things.

    1. Hi Nancy, unfortunately there aren’t many options when the emergency dismount comes into consideration but if you are able to dismount your horse then this is very similar! If you think about softening your knees on the landing it will also help soften the impact. It is probably a personal thing that you need to weight as far as what is going to keep you safest!

      Hi Lorena,

      I’ll be reaching out to our support about this today and you should receive the email later today!

      Thank you for your patience,

      – Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

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