So I hope that you were inspired by last week’s videos and ready to learn more about liberty work and bridless riding! While I was in Ocala, Fl last week working with Caroline Rider, we took some time to sit down and talk about what being connected to your horse means, how your mental and emotional state will affect your horse, and Caroline shares how her relationship with her horses allows her to do the liberty work and bridleless riding that she is so well known for.

The free download link below is for an article Caroline wrote for Trail Rider Magazine on Rehabilitating Rescue Horses. I highly recommend it to further understand the psyche of many of our domesticated horses. Just click below to download.


You can learn more about Caroline and contact her from her website, There are many free resources on her site where you can learn more about her philosophy and her method.

Now its your turn! Do you feel connected to your horse? How do you know? Or in what ways could your connection be stronger? Tell us in the comments below!


Learn how your horse thinks and how to communicate with them to create a happy and willing riding partner

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Better riding in 7 days (FREE Mini Course)

Daily exercises for an immovable seat, steady hands, and a happier horse

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3 Responses

  1. Oh my goodness, what a great video with both of you. I have been a fan of Caroline Rider since my friend Lisa and I saw her at Equine Affaire a few years ago. We both got her videos and she has come up to Vermont and New Hampshire to do assessments and training with us. I have only had the one 3 hour assessment with her but I have watched her work with my friends horse who had many trust issues that she helped her with. It must have been sooo cool to go to her farm and work with her horses. Lisa did that with her. She worked with Legend and actually got a connection with him . I would love to go work with her some time, I know how much of a financial and time commitment that was for you. Natural horsemanship has been a bit of a boys club and it is neat to have women excel at it. I am just about to start the “calm and confident rider” course and am thankful to you for your inspiration.

    1. Hi Nancy,
      I had a wonderful time at Caroline’s farm last fall! Thanks for joining the Calm and Confident Rider Program – I look forward to seeing you in there!

  2. Thank you for doing this interview and sharing. I see SO much ground work to be done, even in my horse that was a trail horse leader. I clearly do not keep their attention. You have provided so many tools for me by sharing this I can’t thank you enough. Callie, you are going to turn us all into expert horse partners instead of strict, dominating, not understanding, ignorant horse owners. That’s what I want to be. I want the horse to be with me and “do” with me because his/her cognitive left brain is engaged and not the F,F,F left brain. Thanks again.

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