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“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” 
― Albert Einstein

We all want to grow as equestrians, we want to get better, in our skills, in managing our internal state, for the benefit of ourselves and our horses.

But to grow, we need to change, and that’s hard.

To not be growing and improving however, is worse than staying the same, if we adhere to the basic laws of the universe, anything that is not growing is contracting. What this means in terms of our skills as a rider, is you will never stay exactly the same, you will either be improving or you’ll be slipping, even if ever so slightly.

New Years is right around the corner, it is a time for reflection, evaluation, and change. A time for new ideas and new directions.

To think about what you want and what will get you there.

The key to making this process effective is to ask yourself the right questions, and to be willing to change not just what you do but what you think.

Starting January 1, I’d like to help you ask these right questions through a Free Goal Setting Workshop tailored just for us riders.

But today, I sit down with Jenna Knudsen, who has focused her life on helping riders not only reach their goals, but expand their vision of what is possible.

Jenna is not a riding coach, but a life coach, just for equestrians. In my interview with Jenna I ask her questions such as what is the biggest mistake people make when setting goals and what patterns has she noticed with equestrians?

Watch the video below and then be sure to sign up for our Free Goal Setting Workshop beginning January 1!

Learn more about Jenna here.

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22 Responses

  1. Since I do not own a horse (and never will) my goals may be somewhat different than others’. I only do trail rides, since I do not compete in contests, and simply want to be on and near a horse, at my rather advanced age. Riding in circles is beyond boring, now that I have my basic skill set. My goal is to ride as many horses at canter, on trail rides, as possible. This is not an easy thing to accomplish in the Northeast, which severely lacks in trail riding places. But occasionally I get the chance, and the uneven terrain makes it very “spicy”.

    1. Ray — As another “advanced age” rider (started at 70, nearly three years ago), I can appreciate and empathize with your differing perspective on riding. My second wife is a long-time English rider and that’s what I learned. I have done a fair amount of indoor riding in lessons. I am now riding outdoors in our own pasture on the Percheron mare that I own. She is a big and lovely girl and I enjoy taking care of her. We “connect” by touching foreheads! However, my favorite riding is trail – what little I have done, on other horses. I really envision myself more as a military rider (I did a tour with the Army) and when cantering have in mind everything from the Scots Greys at Waterloo (see the painting) to Jeb Stuart’s cavalry (I’m half Southern) to General George Patton astride a Lippinzaner! Must be a male thing. Anyway, just thought I would drop in a comment to validate alternative riding viewpoints!

      1. Dick, I hope you’re having as much fun as I am! I would love to someday meet your “girl” , however impossible that may be. That’s one breed I have yet to ride. My fav’s (now) are quarter horses. When I trail ride I am so into the moment that I cannot imagine being in another’s boots. For me, the constant adjustments (on the trail) which both the horse and rider are making is what makes trail riding so special. That, plus seeing wildlife which is not afraid of horses. See my comment to Julia.

    2. Ray, what part of the Northeast are you in? Those are awesome goals and you don’t have to own a horse to set riding goals!

      – Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

      1. Julia, I live in CT, one of the states poorest in trail riding options. Still, I’ve found a few places, including in Massachusetts, where I can ride “out in the open”. I have trail ridden in six other states in conjunction with our travel experiences, and all the places just make me ache to do it even more. I have ridden 18 different horses, in 3 1/2 years, and that makes adjusting to each horse that much easier.

  2. Jenna sounds like a neat person. I was very much interested in the planner even though, since I don’t own a horse and can be at the barn only two days a week, parts wouldn’t apply to me. I thought….$35 (as was stated in the text)…..maybe I could swing that. But in actuality it is $39.95 plus $7.95 for shipping. Really can’t swing almost $50 right now. But I really enjoyed the interview and could so understand why riding in Ireland would bring tears to Jenna’s eyes. I almost cried with her as that is something I would love to do even though I am one of the older ones here!

    1. Cheryl, the awesome part of the journal is that it can encompass so many different pieces for riders and non riders. Although the horse care parts might not be as applicable to you at the moment all the other features make the journal well worth it! Jenna also is proud to have her journal printed and manufactured here in the US!

      – Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  3. Jenna nailed it with her theory on establishing a new identity first. In 1980 I was a smoker and had tried everything to quit. It wasn’t until I set my identity as a non-smoker that I was finally able to quit. Be who you are and look back in your rear view mirrow who you aren’t anymore.

    1. Karen – exactly! It can be a very difficult part of the process but is an essential step in the goal setting process!

      – Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  4. Really enjoyed this video! Thank you for the inspiration and excitement about enhancing our knowledge and skills with our horses through this goal setting workshop. I am looking forward to the New Year 2019….setting goals, making a plan, and making dreams come true!! 🙂

  5. Such a great interview. It really hit home for me when Jenna said she doesn’t have a competitive bone in her body anymore. I used to spend every weekend either competing in a triathlon, road race, or dog show. After making some major life changes a few years ago, I don’t really do any of those things anymore and have almost felt guilty that I don’t want to compete in much of anything anymore. I just want to spend time enjoying my family, friends, and animals. I suddenly realized during the interview that it’s “ok” not to be competing constantly anymore.

    1. Katrina, competing absolutely does not need to be everyone’s goal!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  6. Hello I have been listening to Callie’s goal setting videos and I have put for my top three;

    1 Correct use of my leg aids, I don’t feel I am not putting enough pressure of my legs on the side of the horse as this is a cocern due to I am not getting the horse to move forward quickly .
    2 Confidents of going over small jumps
    3 Feeling the right rythm with the canter

    I was filling in your sheet and I am not sure of the right wording to pyt down for the number 4 as I don’t want to repeat of what I am trying to say. Question 3, I have just put down:

    Confidence and remember to keep my heels down when going over small jumps as well as in the canter, Its also having the skills and knowledge to carry this forward.

    I am little stuck with finishing this off and I wasn’t sure what I need put down for question 4.

    Thank you


      1. Hi Julia thank you for coming back to me its the one for clarifying our goals, its about asking yourself which area, if improved, would positively effect all the others?

        1. Lisa, this one can be tricky to nail down but think of it in this example. Lets say that you are having trouble finding a good position, but you are finding that you are fighting your saddle – well getting a new saddle or learning more about saddle fit in order to shop for a new saddle is the one thing that you can do to make everything easier for getting a balanced seat!

          Does this make sense?

          -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

          1. Hello sorry for the delay with this but last week wasn’t a good week to pesonal cicurmstances. I do believe your comment does make sense so my focus really is my leg position and using my leg aides correctly. Does Callie have some videos on these, possibly if i watch more on these I can perhaps put into practice as I am forever being told to use more leg.

    1. Hi Ray! We didn’t post a new video while the goal setting workshop was going on! We will be back with a new post this Friday 🙂

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

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