Relationships are a give and take.

If all we do is ask, ask, ask for the things we want and never pay any attention or give any value to the other, the relationship will not feel very good for either individual.

However, this is exactly what we so often do with our horses.

We ask them to behave, to perform, to do all that we want, and we want a strong connection and relationship with them. However, we have forgotten to listen to them and to give back what they need and want.

In this video, Andrea Wady, Equine Relationship Expert, will explain a concept she uses called the “Emotional Bank Account” to remember to not just take, but always give back.

p.s. If you would like to learn more from Andrea, sign up for updates the next time enrollment is open for her online course, Pure Liberty.

You can also click here to learn more about her book, Crossing Bridges.


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