The desire to control runs through our entire lives. 

It is natural. 

We feel more safe perhaps, more certain, more guarded. 

However the more we entertain our desire to control, the more we turn it on others, the more we feel those other elements of harmony, connection, and kindness slipping away. 
This awareness of the habit of control, and the choice to let it go is a theme in HorseClass instructor, Andrea Wady’s, new book – Crossing Bridges
Click below to listen to an interview with Andrea on how and why she wrote this book.



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One Response

  1. I have already pre-ordered my copy of Andrea’s book but would like to purchase some as gifts. Is there a way to do this or do I need to order and then re-ship to the people I want to give a copy to?
    I’m beyond words excited to read this book!!!!

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