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Ever been on a horse and just had that feeling that your horse’s legs were just all over the place? Or you start riding a circle, but then it just falls apart? Or how about out on the trail, when you can feel the motor start up and your horses trot gets bigger and bigger… guess what?… each of these circumstances call for a half halt!

Being able to use half halts correctly is a must in riding, but its a skill that can seem somewhat mysterious unless you really understand what you are doing with the half halt and how to do it.

In today’s video, I talk through all the theory of the half-halt and how you should use it, then I show you how to ride a correct half halt on a green horse… not one of my more trained horses that can do them almost automatically.

Click play and enjoy!


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One Response

  1. Hi Callie, so question…can you do a half-halt to slow the horse down or is it just to help with the unbalanced movement in the horse?

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