The first key to riding is sitting on the horse correctly. No matter what your discipline, if you do not have a balanced position you will not be as comfortable and as effective when you are riding. There are many different styles of riding that have developed over the years, but the fundamentals to staying secure and balanced in the saddle have not changed. Rider biomechanics is a topic that we could discuss at length, but the most important pieces to remember are keep a flat back, keep your center (your balance point) over your feet, and allow your muscles to relax – don’t tense up to “hold on”. Watch this video for more pointers and visual examples of correct posture.

I had taken lessons when I was younger but my first real instructor was my first horse, a 32 yr old Quarter horse named Scotch
5 Responses
Thank you very much for your videos! I have returned to horse ownership and riding after many years away and I am needing some basic instruction. I find you to be informative and easy to follow. The horse I was given a year ago is a mature and very sensitive OTTB chestnut mare. She has had several owners who are extremely competent riders and she is very aware of any change in balance etc. I am trying to brush up my skills to be a better rider. I work at a dressage barn and ride there occasionally. I am definitely a restart. Your instruction is very welcome. Thanks again
Hi Catharine, thanks for finding me!
I so agree with Catharine! Though I am not a horse owner, I am a returning rider after a long, long time so am really a beginner. Your videos are very interesting and informative…I think I’ve watched them all at least once and some several times! Thank you so much, Callie!
Es muy interesante y fácil de entender, gracias por su gran ayuda
You’re welcome Cesar!
-Julia, HorseClass Community Manager