Since today is our last blog video before the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays I thought I would share a few things that are new at the farm…

Plus we will also talk about three ways to think about any behavior problem or training challenge you may have with your horse. It’s all about focusing on what you want the horse to do (not what you don’t want) and adding value to good behavior. I explain a bit more in the video…

In the comments below, share one small success that you are celebrating this week!

Happy Holidays!


p.s. If you would like to share CRK Training with a friend, we have gift certificates available! Gift certificates are good for any online programs as well as lessons and events here at the farm. You can request a certificate in any amount.

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37 Responses

  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Callie! I always learn so much from you. You are a wonderful teacher. I’m already looking forward to more training videos taken inside your brand new ring. The baby goats are absolutely adorable. Thank you for sharing them with us. Blessings to you and everyone at CRK Training.

  2. Merry Christmas and a very Happy & Healthy New Year! Lots of Good Luck with your new indoor arena! Looking forward to new videos in your new arena! What a beautiful Christmas present, the babies are beautiful!

  3. Hi Callie. Those goats are soooo cute! Will start a one year lease with my first horse. I am so excited and look forward to what he will teach me and celebrating the little steps that we take to be a better team. Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas, Callie. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts of video blogs that you have so generously shared throughout the year. All the best wishes to you for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

  5. Wow. Congratulations on the baby goats and the beautiful arena. This should make winter and rainy day training videos a little more pleasant for you and the horses. Merry Christmas to you and everyone.

  6. This week me and my young mare had success in training walk and halt while lungeing. Your advice, Callie, on how to teach a horse these things step by step and how to work with the line etc. in a safe manner made this possible 🙂
    I’m so happy to have found your training blogg almost immediately after becoming a horse owner (this spring). Thanks a million for all that wisdom you share with all of us!
    Good luck with the beautiful indoor arena and everything else at your farm and hug the goats for me, please <3
    Best wishes from Santa's home country and reindeer land, Finland 😀

  7. Happiest of Holiday Seasons!
    My one small step is my newfound ability to follow my horse due to your “Tips For Better Breathing” video. It is really helping with positioning, relaxation, and following my horses’ movement.
    On a totally unrelated comment, what jacket are you wearing in this video? It looks very cozy and super cute!
    Thanks for everything you do to help us ride better and become true partners with our four legged family.

    1. The jacket was a Christmas gift from a friend, so I will have to ask where she found it – it is very cozy, I love it!

      1. What an awesome gift!! Can’t wait to hear more about the jacket–I have Jacket Envy!
        Today we worked on Canter via your “Tips for Riding The Canter” video, it is definitely a work in progress and I realized I was ‘chasing’ poor Bella because of the clip.

  8. Merry Christmas and hopes for a peaceful prosperous New Year Enjoyed the video . Just started working with a new lease horse. My first time on a Tennessee Walker

  9. Over the holidays I am going to use your advice to work with my horse, Joe. He loves to “growl” and dance around when I’m riding to intimidate me. I try to walk circles and figure 8s until he relaxes. How else should I stop his naughty behavior? Merry Christmas!

  10. Merry Christmas Callie,
    Congratulations on the baby goats and new indoor arena!! And heartfelt thank-yous for your dedicated work, your blog videos, courses, your studies and generous, candid, thoughtful teachings,… all of which helps improve the practice of horsemanship.
    Best Wishes for a wonderful, joyful Christmas and a happy, healthy, prosperous 2016

  11. Callie,
    I loved your final blog post of the year and congratulations on the two new additions to the farm. Francine’s babies are precious! The indoor arena looks fantastic and I look forward to seeing many new videos filmed in it. Thank you for a year of horsemanship education through your weekly blos post and your on-line courses. I have learned so much from you in the past year, and I look forward to that continuing throughout 2016. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with good health, peace and prosperity!! Cheers, Nancy B

  12. Hi callie,
    I hace have been watching your videos , and I feel that a lot of improving . I really thank you for your help and hoping to learn everyday from you some thing new and helpful for every one .
    Merry Christmas and happy new year

    Emad Galy

  13. The baby goats are soooo cute.
    The indoor arena is awesome (and I’m jealous)!
    Merry Christmas and may God bless you with good health and safety in 2016.

    1. And I forgot to include that I’m grateful for Wikdfire (the horse I’m leading) who has just been such a joy to learn together with.

  14. Too cute! Congrats on the new arena – thank you for all your wonderful blogs and videos, I get so much value from them. Warmest wishes for the season.

  15. Gorgeous goats, all 3 of them ! Great tip to finish the year on. Given me more food for thought.
    Thanks for all your help and guidance throughout the year in you videos. Very grand shinny new arena. Bet it smells lovely with all that new wood. Would love to do one of your courses but cant stretch to it financially. Just not possible. But I still get wonderful help from your videos you post.
    So very grateful. Have a lovely Christmas and New Year. Thank you, Mel xxxxx

  16. Merry Christmas Callie, Congratulations on the baby goats and new indoor arena!! It looks beautiful. Thanks for all the positive blogs. It always gives me a moment of thinking about how I train my horse. I really like your positive way of training.

  17. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I am looking forward to your 2016 year of horsemanship videos. Can hardly wait to see what the whole arena looks like.

  18. Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2016 year ahead to you and you human and animal families. The goats and their names are adorable! Love your indoor arena, what a great way to ring in the new year! Thank you for your classes and programs! I love the way you teach and break things down and my horse and I are having fun learning your teachings together. I’m finally getting some pleasurable sitting trot in too! Looking forward to get more deeply into Calm and Confident Rider and Traing journals in the new year!

  19. A wonderful holiday season to one and all! At the end of the year, I’m thinking about so many little things I’ve picked up from Callie’s site, a number of which I didn’t necessarily realize at the time I was absorbing and incorporating into my daily routines. Lots of clicker training and positive reinforcement; timing; breaking tasks into small chunks and ending on a positive note; transition to barefoot and leaving mud in hooves while riding; focusing on the different reasons my mare might be reacting; giving myself permission to move backwards if necessary; fine tuning nutrition; lots and lots of groundwork, especially for tasks I’m having a hard time with under saddle; fun exercises…. And I love being able to revisit topics. It’s been a great year, and I’m looking forward to what the new year brings .

  20. Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2016. The indoor arena looks awesome. Thanks for the videos and I look forward to seeing more of these in 2016.

  21. Hi callie! I’m 35 and just started learning to ride about 3 months ago… Trying to realise a childhood dream with the emphasis on ‘trying’! I have been learning the rising trot (the sitting trot hurts my back too much) but I have a lot of trouble keeping my hands still and low, and steering while rising. My right leg also kicks out to the side all the time. I seem to be able to find the rythym but lose my balance so easily, it’s really frustrating. I don’t know if I’m just too old to learn to ride , but any tips you could give me would be really appreciated!

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