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The question of whether to own a horse is a big one. Having your own horse is exciting and fulfilling, but it is also a big responsibility.

As an owner you have not only the financial responsibility of caring for a horse and being prepared for emergencies, but are also solely responsible for their training and making decisions on where and how they live.

When you get your first horse, everything you suddenly need to know can feel overwhelming!

But there is another option to owning a horse that can provide the benefits of the owner experience without necessarily all of the responsibility.

Leasing can be a good transition into horse ownership, a way to partner with a highly trained horse that you may not be able to afford purchasing, or a permanent way to enjoy being with a horse and improving your riding.

In the video below, I will discuss several types of leases, how to know which option is best for you, and one big tip for making sure you have a great lease experience.

Watch the video and then leave a comment with any experience you have had with leasing a horse!


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72 Responses

  1. I have been leasing an 8 yr old OTTB gelding for almost a year and it has been a dream come true for me. I have a unique situation in that I can ride as much as I want to (4-5 times /week) and if the owner wants to ride him (typically once every two weeks), I have my pick of three other horses owned by the trainer/barn owner. I pay a nominal/affordable monthly sum and no vet/farrier costs and I live 20 minutes away. I’m in heaven. #horseownerwannabe

  2. I’ve had a challenging but good leasing experience this year. I half-leased a 14 yr old horse for 3 months and enjoyed it so much that I moved up to a full lease in May so that we could show all summer. But, in July she had a pasture injury which required surgery and 14 weeks of recupation. I had committed to half her medical costs with the half lease but hadn’t revised the contract when I increased to full, so her owner paid 1/2 the medical costs….I was $1500 out of pocket for that. But worse, I paid full board and expenses for three months without being able to ride, had to share board a different horse just to ride 2x aweek. And I was responsible for therapeutic walking of the horse 5xaweek — the owner took the other two days. Luckily the horse recovered fully and we are now back in synch and trying to make up for 3.5 lost months. If I could do it over again I’d have an explicit out of pocket expenses limit (like a deductible). And I would have negotiated a time-out limit so that I didn’t pay for more than one or 1.5 months of an ill / not rideable horse. I didn’t end the month to month lease because I didn’t have other options and I didn’t want to ruin my relationship with the trainer and barn where the owner and I ride….because there is no other barn as good as this one. It was horribly costly financially and emotionally so I am extra glad that this horse is so great to ride and that she and I have a great connection. If not for that….

  3. I started leasing my gelding nearly two years ago. I was paying for trail rides weekly when the barn owner suggested a lease. We started with a 6mo trial to make sure we both were agreeable and it’s worked out wonderfully! We have renegotiated several areas and have always agreed on terms. He still has use for Raider on trail rides but I have first priority if I wish to ride that day. Raider was lame for about two weeks and I had the option to use another horse in his string, so that was a huge bonus. I do take care of maintenance vetting (shots and deworming) and pay the farrier 2x year as well as my monthly fee ($325-same as boarding)which includes all feed, additional care and tack. It’s wonderful to be able to go out for a short time and just groom or ride the outdoor arena whenever I want without the burden of the daily chores that may come with ownership. (I’m 67 so this set up is ideal for someone my age!).

  4. Thanks Callie I was thinking about doing a month to month just for the winter until my trainer gets back from FL in April. Most of them that I have been looking at are 1/4 and half so anywhere from 200 month to 400 for half. Both look nice the half lease i would get 2 lessons and 2 free rides and 1st pick if I want to show but I would ha e to pay to trailer and pay the show fees, that’s fine I’m not going to show, or should I not and just do lessons on a horse that’s available at my time?


    1. What is the difference with the 1/4 lease? It is less riding time than the 1/2 lease?

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  5. I leased a trail horse from the friend of a friend from April to November. It was wonderful for me. I got to meet new people, learn the trails by my house and just really enjoyed having the freedom to go and ride whenever I wanted to. I own an older mare who is arthritic and I no longer ride her, but will continue to care for her thru the end of her life. Leasing allowed me to enjoy riding without the worry of long term financial responsibilty.

  6. I lease a horse and so far it’s been a great experience. I only got back to riding after a long break and my lease horse is such a gentle giant. The owner is super responsive and you are able to speak your mind regarding any suggestions towards the horse.

  7. I have never owned my own horse, but have part leased for the last 4 years. I feel that I have the best of both worlds because I am the only person that rides Widget and am allowed to ride him whenever I want, but the vet care, farrier etc. is taken care of by his owner. That being said, I will either split with her or pay fully on my own for chiropractor and massage when he needs it. I feel that’s only fair since I am the one makes him work and thereby needing these extras, perhaps. I realize that I’m very lucky to have found someone that is comfortable and trusting enough to allow me this privilege and I am grateful for it. I’m not sure that would be the case with every owner, but if you’re lucky enough to find a situation like mine then don’t hesitate to part lease.

    1. What a wonderful situation you have with your lease horse’s owner! It sounds like the two of you have a great thing going for both of you and the horse 🙂

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  8. I’m a first time lessee & have been leasing a draft x gelding for the past 2 months and love the experience! I don’t have the pressure of being the owner right now. I’m considering owning in the future and it’s a great way to try it out and have already learned so much that I didn’t know before! However make sure you have EVERYTHING in writing like if the horse became injured under your watch who is responsible or if you broke something. I let the lead rope get too long and the horse stepped on the chain & broke the link. The owner just bought this beautiful leather lead rope. I felt it was my responsibility to replace it so I did.

  9. Thank you Kallie for once again a wonderful insight into horse care management and leasing options.
    I leased a appy/,quarter horse for over 8 months. It was s half lease where I rode twice a week including a lesson a week . I was really happy with this arrangement for it gave me the opportunity to have that one on one with a horse without the cost It was a win win for both me and the owner she couldn’t ride and thus were helping each other .
    I hope to lease again knowing I will never own my own horse but look forward to riding and having the continued experience of a half horse!!

  10. I lease an 11y/o very well trained mustang. I have a full lease so I pay for his board, his farrier, and his grain plus an additional $200 per month. I like leasing because it is just like owning without having to worry about medical expenses however, I think I would like to make him my own. There is nothing like owning your own horse!

    1. Hi. Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m curious to know what your total cost is per month? Board? Farrier? Feed? Plus the $200.00? I realize that costs can be different depending on horse and barn. Leasing is such a wonderful option for me to consider and knowing approximately what I ‘d need to pay per month will help me determine if it’s something I can comfortably afford to do.
      Thank you!
      Judy Combs

  11. I have been leasing my horse for 4 years. Although I would like to purchase her at some point, my husband is not on board with that, so I will continue to lease. My trainer (the owner) considers her my horse. It is a full lease — no one else rides her. I pay for her board and the farrier and I pay for extra supplements that I want to give her. One drawback not mentioned is that the owner could choose to sell her at any point, although the owner has said she won’t do that to me. My horse and I have a really special bond and the owner knows that. Plus, I could decide to buy her at that point. From my perspective, it feels like I own the horse — without responsibility for medical/dental bills.

    1. I have the same issue with my hubby. He supports my riding and leasing , just doesn’t want me to “buy” as he thinks it could be too costly. Honestly, I doubt it would be a whole lot more per month, but I’m happy with my lease arrangement, so it’s all good!

    2. It sounds like your situation is very similar to owning 🙂 without the ultimate responsibility! That is very kind of the owner to not sell the horse out from underneath of you!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  12. Great overview of leasing! I am a first time horse owner and have partially leased my horse out 2x now with excellent results. My 19 yr old qh is a been there, done that former ranch horse. Since I’m still learning and growing with him I wanted only experienced riders using him. Through networking I have found great people to help me give my horse more exercise. My best experience was going with a lower flat rate with flexibility in riding times but a commitment to ride at least 2x/week. Win-win for everyone!

  13. I leased for almost 2 years. Paid half lease. Unlimited riding time barring conflict with other person or if used in a a lesson. I could ride any other horse at my level so if she wasn’t available I could ride someone else if my schedule needed it. I had to pay monthly, if year round then less , but paid for shoes every other month. If leased month to month it was a bit more monthly and didn’t pay farrier. In both cases I had to pay for shows to trainer for the day and extra for trailering and entry fees. Showing was expensive with kease. Very cheap with owning just entry fee. Sharing with someone else at first bothered me then I realized it was great that she got out and ridden in other disceplines. It ended up to be a benefit I probably rode 3 days a week avg. Arena only. No trail access. What I didn’t like was not having full control over how she was worked. The barn owner allowed me quite a bit of leeway barring results were good. Her ground manners were terrible. I was able to discretely use treats. I would have loved to see her barefoot , so much issues with cracking at nail holes. She was usually good , but had a very difficult side depending on her mood. Both ridden and on ground. I had to be careful of bites when grooming and tacking and lots of resistance one day and power steering another. Had I not purchased my own horse I would have swapped the lease to a different horse, I realized ground manners and personality were almost more important than how she was to ride. Owning my own gave me full control of training but also the big responsibility of it. He was 3 and I didn’t realize how green. Hes coming along well now thanks to Callie! but lots of ups and downs In the almost 2 years I’ve had him. Bottom line I absolutely love that he’s sweet in general easy to be around. Negative has been vet bills for injuries. and how much time I HV to spend due to his situation. He’s at my nextdoor neighbor’s. So I HV to care for her 2 also and another soon. Spending lots of time on barn chores daily. Guilty if I want to go away, she doesn’t like bringing in fill ins if she can cover. He has turnout in my corral or arena but no buddy there so he doesn’t want to be out all the time. Horses behind us access to him over the fence changed so he can’t play bite with them or run the fence anymore. He runs with my dad’s dog opp side of fence. In general he’s not moving as much as he should which increases time I have to spend getting him exercise every day even on down days I spend time playing with him and hand walking on trail. He has a 12*12 beautiful stall and small narrow paddock ( in and out) with 24/7 access to it. Benefit I get to use her sand arena and my yard too. we put a gate between, more natural footing on my corral side, and trails down the block. Vascilating on bringing him home of what buddy to give him. Husband does not want goats. Also would then take away our corral as play for the dogs etc. And remove access to arena for riding and built on babysitting for free. Ugh! Lottery time! Had I gotten a horse further along in training It wouldn’t be so important to make a 5 day training schedule every week when I’m busy. I love it, but definitely spend less time doing other things. He’s turning into the more trained horse little by little. I’m thrilled I got to bring him along it’s really cementing our relationship. I enjoy him on the ground as much as riding which I didn’t expect. I’d say if you want to spend lots of time actually riding, a lease might be best. Or purchase a trained horse. If you like all the care side and ground work and together time then owning is better, it’s a lifetime dream come true. Of course either way if they have excellent access to turnout and you don’t have to clean stalls and close to home then both options are great. Definitely recommend lease before purchase. I learned a lot about care during that time.

    1. It has been so wonderful to watch your horse ownership journey Ro! Jelly is a one of a kind guy and he is lucky to have you 🙂

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  14. The barn I ride at has a required lease cost and also paying for 2 lessons a week ( with a full or half) Their horses available for leasing are not high end horses but a rehabbed rescue. Half leases provide only one extra ride (other than 2 lessons/ wk) and full leases are unlimited additional rides. What are your thoughts on the 2 lesson per week requirement on top of payment for the horse?

    1. I don’t think it is out of the ordinary to require lessons, although two lessons a week with a half lease seems a bit steep…

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  15. When I started into horseback riding again later in life, the barn I choose offered me a half lease, which allowed me to ride 3 days a week. I was able to choose the days and that’s when I was at the barn to ride. The lease was $350/month. I asked my trainer if one of my riding times could also be a group lesson. She agreed and the lease was $380/month. . .one lesson and two days to practice. If a lesson fell on a 5th Monday, I paid the full price of a group lesson. With this type of lease I had no financial responsibility for the horse and the lease included the use of the horse’s tack, since I had nothing. I continued with this type of lease for 5.5 years through 3 different horses. If my lease horse was lame, my trainer often had another horse I could ride and sometimes not. I always had a horse to ride for the lessons. My starter lease horse was very old and had to be put down after 1.5 years. The next lease horse was a camp horse who was at the barn for only one year. My next lease horse was a rescue, who had some issues at first. This horse had been abused and he gave me the opportunity to practice what I was learning about ground manners. I had opportunity to research training objectives or medical objectives and, with the trainer’s permission, try them on this horse. Some objectives worked, some did not. I leased this horse for about 4 years until he, too, had to be put down. I am grateful to my trainer for allowing me to pay for some extra care for the horse, like chiropractic sessions, which kept the horse going longer than maybe he would have otherwise. When this horse was put down in May, I made the decision to transition from leasing to ownership. Leasing was a very good option for me when I started, because at that time, I was not sure I could even afford a half lease. I was also not sure about horseback riding at my age and with some of my physical issues. How pleasantly surprised I was at how much I improve physically, mentally, and emotionally. The barn and the horse is where I go to destress and slow down the rhythm of my life. Thank you God for such incredibly curious and loving creatures. I have successfully transitioned from my half lease to horse ownership and spend at least 5-days a week at the barn with my new horse. The half lease got me started.

    1. Carol, you have such a big heart – each of those horses was blessed to have you as a part of their life and you blessed by their time in yours as well! Best of luck with your new horse 🙂

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  16. I am considering equi-leasing a horse where I take lessons. I can take a one-month or a 3-month time frame. Lessons are an extra cost, but I’d at least have the benefit of taking one or two rides on my non-lesson days. I’d also have to tack, graze and groom. I don’t know the stable does written leases, but it’s something I’ll consider.

    The horse is part draft horse and sometimes, can be difficult to mount (he likes to move away from the mounting block) and he’s not a leader personality. I have to work him (under my instructor’s supervision) to even get a good working walk.

    I’m going to work with him for a few more lessons before I make up my mind.

    This was a timely video. Thank you!

  17. Are you able to suggest any credible internet links which offer good specimen or sample lease agreements for the 3 types you discussed in the video? Thanks

    1. Hi Jim, I don’t have a specific website I recommend. I used a sample version last year when I created one for leasing my own horse out. There are a ton for different situations if you do a Google search!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

    2. Hi Jim, I don’t have a specific website I recommend. I used a sample version last year when I created one for leasing my own horse out. There are a ton for different situations if you do a Google search!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  18. I have been part loaning for three and a half years. It is my first time and feel I have been very lucky with my experience – I know some who haven’t!
    The owner and I are in daily contact, we are both very flexible and swap our days about to help each other – she has young children and can’t always get to the stables, I have work commitments that can change at any time and I may not be able to make it on my ‘days’.
    The key to a good relationship in all walks of life is communication, communication, communication. We don’t have a written agreement and this has worked very well for us, but I would advise people do have one. It is a great way to ‘own’ a horse without the stress and responsibility of owning.

    1. I always recommend a written agreement, when I leased my horse out we had a very detailed list of parameters for both of us to follow and it made me feel much more secure as the owner to lease my horse out!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  19. I am equally new to leasing, as I started 1 month ago. It is a half paid lease with an individual who owns the horse (not with a barn). I have access to the horse 3 appointed day’s a week. Only the owner and I are riding the horse, on our appointed days. I went into leasing because I was very frustrated not to be able to work thoroughly with a horse and “grow up” and improve together, as in the barn I used to go to they have a policy to have us ride a different horse at every session.
    As a kid, I had my horse and was working with her, training her for jumping. We had to sell her and I stopped riding for 30 years and started anew 4 years ago. I can not own a horse now for various reasons, but what I like is creating a link with the horse, get to know the horse, not only use it !
    So I went to another barn to find this half lease that would allow me to work the same horse and train it, now that some of my skills are back. Also, I can now experiment with new kind of training like liberty, or go to trail riding if I wish as the horse owner is very open to experiment new ways of training, she likes that the horse is not bored and discovers new ways. I decide of the program of the cessions I do with the horse, only we have agreed with the owner to communicate after each cession to coordinate what we do as a training, and we have agreed that the horse not having been riden for 1 year (he was on pasture while his owner was abroad and still is in pasture now, by the way) our first goal would be to give him some fitness back first.
    It is more expensive than taking group lessons once a week but actually I pay less for each ride and ride 3 times more than before and can try new ways to be with the horse than getting onto it and exercise
    So far, it is working out fine, and I believe we are all happy with this arrangement (hopefully including the horse !)
    I believe that this system can be great if all persons involved have the same ideas about how the horse should be worked and cared, else it can become very conflictual or frustrating.

  20. I leased a beautiful 10 yr. old Thoroughbred for 7 yrs. The owner had just gotten married and didn’t have as much time to spend with him but wasn’t ready to sell. I paid half the board ($250.00) and she paid for everything. The barn was only 10 mins. away from me and I was able to go anytime and as much as I wanted. I think I was very lucky to have found someone with this arrangement but the owner too felt lucky that she knew her baby was being well taken care of …..

    1. Leasing can be a great solution for all parties involved – how wonderful!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  21. About 14 months ago I walked into a barn for lessons. I liked the trainer and was riding every week and asking for more. The trainer quickly proposed half leasing one of her thoroughbreds so I could ride but not be in a lesson more than once a week. I rode 2 days and had a lesson the third day every week. I now own that mare and she lives at my house. I’m in heaven! Because I built a relationship with the horse and was very comfortable with her before it even occurred to me that perhaps I might buy a OTTB mare rather than a big drafty gelding as I had imagined. I am really really happy and very comfortable with my generous horse. I learned a lot through leasing and I am having a fabulous time with ownership because I knew my horse “want” wasn’t a passing phase, making a community of people to help me (vets, farriers, hay people, friends, etc…). I know I lucked out, but I recommend the half lease as a means to discover the level of commitment and skill you actually have as well as to be certain about a horse before you purchase it.

    1. Lisa, that is so awesome!! I love hearing stories like this when leasing just works out like a storybook for both horse and rider. It is the perfect way to get to know what kind of horse is for you!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  22. You have brought up some great discussion and thoughts. I’d like to add consideration of our Climate Crisis into the discussion too. My family has 3 horses and I’m struggling with the ethics of such an ‘energy luxury’ in the present state of affairs. The best I can do is to be mindful of my purchases for the horses (eg buying local, minimizing plastics and other petroleum products, buying less) and reducing horse related travel, and to keeping everything to a minimum, or at least mitigating by being less consumptive elsewhere in my life. Leasing, especially part-leasing, is a nice way to share the load of our environmental impact by ‘sharing’ what we have.

    1. Sue, this is such a wonderful insight I love this topic! Anything, no matter how small it may seem, to help reduce our impact is great to consider!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  23. I’ve had a challenging but good leading experience this year. I half-leased a 14 yr old horse for 3 months and enjoyed it so much that I moved up to a full lease in May so that we could show all summer. But, in July she had a pasture injury which required surgery and 14 weeks of recupation. I had committed to half her medical costs with the half lease bit hadn’t revised the contract when I increased to full, so her owner paid 1/2 the medical costs….I was $1500 out of pocket for that. But worse, I paid full board and expenses for three months without being able to ride, had to share board a different horse just to ride 2x aweek. And I was responsible for therapeutic walking of the horse 5xaweek — the owner took the other two days. Luckily the horse recovered fully and we are now back in synch and trying to make up for 3.5 lost months.

    If I could do it over again I’d have an explicit out of pocket expenses limit (like a deductible). And I would have gophers a time-out limit so that I didn’t pay for more than one or 1.5 months of an ill / not rideable horse. I didn’t end the month to month lease because I didn’t have other options and I didn’t want to rruin my relationship with the trainer and barn where the owner and I ride….because there is no other barn as good as this one. It was horribly costly financially and emotionally so I am extra glad that this horse is so great to ride and that she and I have a great connection. If not for that…

    1. Karen, I’m sorry to hear about your situation with the responsibility of half the medical bills. About a year ago I had leased out my horse to a friend as per our contract I was completely financially liable for any emergency care while she was to take care of the routine costs (shots, shoeing, etc), but when he had a bad colic this fall she made the decision to half in with me to cover the emergency costs. We ended up losing him but we made the decision together which is something I was very grateful to have someone who understood what I was going through and help me make the decision.

      I know it isn’t the same situation but I just wanted to share my experience as an owner. It is tough, they are such expensive animals but they seem to latch onto our hearts…

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  24. When I was getting back into riding about 12 years ago, I leased our first horse to see if it would be a good fit and to get back into the groove of taking care of horses. It is a huge responsibility, and I am glad to say it was a good fit and we still have that beautiful horse! Leasing was a great way to go for me!

  25. I had a part-lease on a trained horse many years ago when my own young horse was in training. I don’t remember the exact terms but I think leasing before buying is a wise decision so that you can learn about the responsibility of caring for a horse without the full responsibility of the horse. I have owned 2-3 horses for many years, currently I have two and as I get older am not planning on owning any more horses. Were something to happen to the two I have now and I wanted to continue with horses I think I would try to lease again.

  26. These are all good comments. I’m considering leasing a part draft horse from my stable. I’m thinking of starting on a month-to-month basis. I want to have some consistency riding just one horse & getting him used to working with me. My responsibilities would include tacking, grooming and grazing the horse in question, along with a couple of 45-minute rides while an instructor is on the premises. Lessons would be an extra charge.

    Someone asked if there are any good sites for leasing agreements. I’d like to see those sites, too.

    1. Hi Michele, those terms sound pretty reasonable! As far as leasing agreements your stable might have their own that they use but definitely do some reading online about what should be included in an agreement for both parties so you are educated on what to expect.

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

      1. There are other horses I could lease, but so far, I’m most comfortable riding the draft gelding, even if he’s a bit slow. My instructor and the barn manager think we’d be a good fit for each other.

        Thank you for the advice. I even learned more from someone who equi-leases from one of the instructors. She told me she’s responsible for vet bills if the horse is hurt while she’s riding during non-lesson time and she’s also responsible if such things as stirrup leathers breaking. Fortunately, I have my own Western saddle as well as a halter and lead.

  27. I lease a darling little paint named Mocha. It is a half lease situation, and I am very happy with the arrangement. My instructor has the other half of the lease to use Mocha as a lesson horse. This enables me to ride Mocha as the sole rider whenever I wish, except when she is being used as a lesson horse by my instructor (which is only twice a week, with two students who are mainly at the walk-trot level at this time, so Mocha has it fairly easy in that regard). I take my own lessons on Mocha three times a week, and then ride her outside of that/spend time with her on average of an additional 1-2 days a week. My lease is $175/month which amounts to 1/2 her board, and I’m additionally responsible for her farrier and worming services; my instructor and I split the cost of OTC medications and supplements, and any elective veterinary costs, such as chiropractic care. Food and major and preventive veterinary care is the responsibility of Mocha’s owner. The half lease has been a great way to have a horse without all the up front responsibility, and with this experience, I am hoping to be able to buy Mocha sometime in the New Year.

  28. Hi. I own a horse and just thought of an idea for you Callie, is maybe the other side of this topic- what are some pros and cons to leasing MY horse out? ( I have only slightly thought of leasing mine out- if it would be beneficial to my mare and myself)
    Happy Horse Fun!

    1. Wonderful question Amanda, I will definitely add this to our list of potential video topics 🙂

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

    2. When you find the right person it is a win/win/win for owner, rider and horse. There are so many horses that need regular attention and purpose. I think we can inspire each other and learn from one another. I think leasing and part-leasing is a very good option.

  29. I leased the horse I had been riding in lessons for several months. I leased from my instructor. My lease allowed me to ride 3 days a week and included one lesson a week. I was not responsible for any financial care of the horse (feed, vet or farrier bills, etc). I also had first “dibs” on her for weekend trail rides and camping trips. Guess who I leased? Yes, my heart horse, Wildfire, who I now own.
    My husband fell in love with a horse he unexpectedly got to ride one day. It turned into a free lease situation which benefitted the horse because the owner was scared to death of this horse and wouldn’t ride him. My husband had no financial obligations for feed or care either. But he also felt like his hands were tied because there was care we were pretty sure the horse should be receiving and wasn’t. My husband wanted to buy stuff for the horse, but didn’t want to spend money on a horse that didn’t belong to him and because he had nothing in writing about leasing/riding. We tried to buy the horse for months, offering more than he probably was worth and knowing he was not an easy keeper. She wouldn’t sell until we finally stopped offering! Now my husband owns him and Chabo is receiving the care he needs for PPID (Equine Cushing) and hypothyroidism (we had suspected he had both), and he is on the proper diet. And my husband has bought him a whole “wardrobe” as well as Renegade hoof boots for his tender feet which are now in better shape since he is medically managed for the PPID. So just because it’s “free” doesn’t mean it won’t be frustrating!

    1. Shanna, my trainer I had growing up told my parents that purchasing the horse was the least expensive part – even ‘free’ horses aren’t truly free! How wonderful it has worked out for both you and your husband to have been able to end up with the horses that you once leased!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  30. Thanks Callie, some very sound advice here! I’ve found that having the Terms and Conditions of the lease well and truly sorted and IN WRITING before taking up a lease is essential for the long-term health of the lease relationship with the other person – whether I’m the lessee or the lessor. Trying to sort these out when there’s an emergency or a dispute can be truly fraught. It may appear to be an unnecessary chore at the start, but – in my experience – being clear on and totally up front with the T&C of a lease right from the get-go allows me to build a good working relationship with the other person and iron out a lot of kinks that might crop up later!

    1. Great advice! Spelling out all the details before emotions are involved is really the way to go for all parties!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  31. I started leasing my TWH a year and a half ago after riding him nearly exclusively on trails for two years before that. It’s a great solution for someone my age (67) who doesn’t have the property to own and a hubby who is supportive of my habit, but prefers not owning. I pay the same as a boarding fee, but have unlimited access to Raider every day of the week and all tack is included as well. My wrangler can use him for other trail rides if I don’t plan to ride that day (I’d prefer it just be me, but it’s worked out ok). It’s lovely to go out and just groom, ride the round pen or take a shorter ride whenever I want, which has helped me form a special bond with my horse. I do pay for farrier 2x year and deworming and shots in the spring. Last spring Raider was lame for several weeks so I used another horse from his string… another huge bonus to leasing. It’s the perfect solution, for me!

  32. I leased two horses before I bought my own.
    Both from persons not barns.
    Both times monthly lease payed .Unlimited acess to them ,unl.riding time,responsible for training,food,ferrier ,health,cleaning the stall…
    Looking back I think I was responsible as I was their owner,but i was not!
    They have had diverse behaviroral and physical problems,that the owner know,but dont tell me.
    I give so much time,money and all of my hart to these both.
    And then when they were well trained an in good health ,they sold em.
    One day as a came to the stall the horse was not there.
    The owner sold it.Both horses end up sold to another one,not to me.
    I have had no paper writings about my leasing.
    So make shure you have explicit writing about all of your leasing.
    I learned so much in this time about horses and horse care.
    That much I have never learned in riding school …

    1. Mirijam, I’m really sorry to hear about the horses that you put so much work into being sold! It sounds like they were great learning experiences for you! Thanks for sharing your great advice about really making sure that the terms of the lease are clearly spelled out in the agreement.

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

    2. I also have had leased horses sold out from under me. I was full of grief and it took some time to recover. I sure can relate. I think having someone lease your horse is like having a nanny for your kids. It is important to consider the attachments that form when making decisions.

  33. I did a paid lease on an older horse for a few months to ease me back into riding after a serious horse accident . It was a great decision ! I was able to progress within my comfort zone and when I felt ready I added lessons on upper level school masters that I also have the option of leasing . At age 64 , I doubt I will own my own horses again but I can enjoy my passion a different way and be able to really work on myself ! So to sum it up leasing can provide an excellent entry or gradual exit

  34. I half-lease a horse currently, and have leased him for over 2 years. Leasing has been a wonderful way for me to get back into riding without breaking the bank. With a 1/2 lease, the owner does still ride this horse, but we have certain days that are mine, and certain days that are her’s. We have a great working relationship, where we are both flexible if we need to switch days. I pay monthly, and help feed on the days I have the horse, other than that, the owner takes care of the other care. I highly recommend leasing as a way to work your way into the horse world without having to go all-in. This is a perfect situation for me, as I don’t have time to ride every day, but am able to ride 2-3 times a week, and don’t have to have the stress of ownership.

  35. I have half-leased an italian mare for 2.5 yrs now. The owner and I didn’t put down anything on paper and I’m afraid this is very italian style… anyway we didn’t have problems in organization, just 2 or 3 misunderstandings when his teenage daughter stepped in the picture wanting to ride the mare, so the father-owner in the end had to stop riding her because 3 were too many. I pay for board and lessons, farrier every other time and vet if needed (never happened beside routine checks, deworm and vaccination) and get to ride 3 times per week. We grew a lot together, went to shows, built a bond but I feel I have to move forward now and I am about to buy (not her, I can’t afford her unluckily). I am thinking if letting my own horse on a lease would be a good idea (I wouldn’t be able to ride every day and my trainer said that he could help me in choosing someone suitable for a half-lease, to make sure the horse gets enough exercise) and would love to hear from you on the topic, from the point of view of the owner. I think I would write everything down if I’d make the choice to let on a half-lease

    1. Hi Giovanna, that is exciting that you are feeling like you are ready now to buy! From an owner’s perspective leasing out a horse, it is better to have too many details than not enough. I recently leased out a horse (my very sensitive gelding who I have since lost to colic) about his care and training stipulations down to the tack she was riding him in and I felt very comfortable with the situation we created for him! She was also very open in communication with me and I think it is important to find someone that can be a friend that is comfortable coming to you with anything!

      -Julia Burdy, CRK Training Community Manager

  36. Thank you for sharing this informative post about leasing a horse! It’s a great option for those who want the experience of horse ownership without all the responsibility. I also appreciate that you went into detail about the different types of leases and what to consider when choosing the best option for you.

    As a horse lover, I’m always looking for ways to make sure my equine friends are happy and healthy. One thing I’ve found helpful for horses is a best calming supplement. Horses can get anxious or stressed, especially in new environments or with new riders. Using a calming supplement can help reduce their stress and keep them relaxed and comfortable during the leasing experience.

    Have you or anyone you know tried using a calming supplement for horses while leasing? I’d love to hear about your experience!

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