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Is your horse high energy? Always on the move, never stands still, and speeds up as soon as you relax the reins?

If you ever get frustrated with the constant energy, trust me I know the feeling! Some of love our “hot” horses – they are sensitive and can be a blast to ride. However, it can also be nice to be able to turn that energy level down a little and have a relaxed ride too. It’s not always easy to tone down a hot horse, most horses are this way out of fear, anticipation or both. It takes patience and discipline and is not going to happen in one or two sessions – but I promise it is possible!

This weeks video came from a questions from one of our readers in Canada. She has a mare that is go, go, go and needs to get rid of the constant excess energy so she can have a better ride. I know a ton of people, (including myself) that are always working through this issue, so it seemed like a great one to answer on the blog!

Two things to think about before watching this video – first, does your horse get enough turnout? If he is stuck inside and really does have a ton of extra energy to burn off, you are not going to be able to expect an attentive, quiet horse. Also, are you a nervous wreck around your horse? Or do you come to the barn totally stressed out? Horses can sense how you feel in an instant and they totally feed off your emotions. Before you start working to calm down your horse, make sure that you are calm and relaxed!

Ok, now on to the video…

What is your experience with hot horses? Do you have a horse that is all go? Any advice on how you manage this while riding or working with your horse? Please tell us in the comments!

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5 Responses

  1. This blog has been an excellent tool for me. As I purchased a horse that had been a team penner and very used to moving as the rider mounted and moving fast with little asking.
    So I was stuggling to handle her. As you had instructed I started on the ground and I was in a round yard just so she was contained helped calm her.
    We used a mounting block and I spent many hours with her there. She did not like it but was curious and then didnt like me on it she would dance around, finally she would stand and allow me to pat her and fuss a little with the saddle. Now I can mount without movement and sit with she standing still. I am so happy what a change. I would not have known what to do without this blog thank you.
    we are know working on just walk not trot as she just wants to esculate as soon as I ask her to move so we just stop and stand. Sometimes I have to walk in a circle as she just insists on moving or I back her up but she does get a little more excited when being backed up, might have been her prior training. Thank you again. I have watched all blogs to date and have gained a great deal of knowledge.

  2. Callie,
    Great Job! You represent an important evolution in horsemanship. Your scientific knowledge and awareness of the nature of the horses needs to be understood by anyone wanting to be successful with horses. Keep up the good work.

  3. Love how you show that we need to calm them down with that low energy groundwork versus lunging to get the horse tired before climbing on. You are an incredible teacher and educator Callie, job well done

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