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This week I have a really fun video for you! In the pursuit of becoming better riders, we are going to ditch our saddles, get close to our horses, and see how good our balance really is!

I ride bareback a lot – I just think its fun, and I know that it helps me ride better, because my balance is contantly being challenged, and I can really feel ever move that my horse is making underneath me.

You don’t need to do anything crazy, just get on, start moving, and figure it out! I think you’ll find that bareback is a lot of fun, and if you’re anything like me, a short bareback ride will take you right back to your roots of riding as a kid… just having fun without a care in the world!

Do you have any fun bareback stories? Tell us in the comments!


Daily exercises for an immovable seat, steady hands, and a happier horse

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Daily exercises for an immovable seat, steady hands, and a happier horse

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One Response

  1. Thanks Callie for keeping us learning. Such a useful and easy exercise to do (you need less gear! not more for this one). I learned to ride as an adult and the saddle was always there. Sadly, I got to view it as security, which means I really have to put effort into training more and more of an independent position, seat, and balance in myself. But it’s effort worth the while. Whenever I have ridden bareback (albeit seldom) I’ve felt I was is a better place on my horse’s back, closer his shoulder, and I really get to feel/achieve a following seat. I enjoyed it and am decided I will do more bareback riding!

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