change your riding habits

How do you change those deep, ingrained habits?

The ones that are so familiar or so old we don’t even know we do them.

I am referring specifically to movement patterns, for example the way we position our foot as soon as it touches the stirrup. Or how we respond with our body when we feel our horse tense up before a spook.

Or the way we lean forward, even just a little, before a canter transition.

These are all examples of deep habits, patterns of movement, that are not as easy to change as hearing an instructor say “sit up and stop leaning forward”!

In this video, I will give you 5 steps to changing a movement pattern, no matter how long you have been doing it or how strong a habit it is.

Click play below to learn more! 

See you in the comments! 




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5 Responses

  1. I have been trying to change the habit of looking and fixating on a jump instead of looking ahead or out of the line. I think this stems from wanting to know, and/or to make sure my distance is there. If it’s not, I think by staring at the jump, i can adjust my horse with the reins or my body movement a couple of studies before the fence to “create” the perfect distance. Some of my behavior also comes from not completely trusting that my horse will jump unless I do something to influence it. I hope I’m able to implement these 5 steps and give myself enough time to change this habit!

  2. I am in the habit of leaning forward when transitioning up especially trot to canter. I’ll try these steps when riding tomorrow.

  3. I have to sit more during the canter, relax and go with the horse’s movement, instead of anticipating the gait and leaning forward as if I am trying to help the horse canter! LOL

  4. The habit I have is not holding my hands correctly,they face downwards instead of sideways and I often pull on the inside rein instead of shortening the outside rein and there is no room for my horses shoulder. I was used to turning the head not The Whole body” I like this reasoning. I like methodical explanations I will try with these 2 bad habits

  5. I love your teaching style. I already reminded myself to sit up straighter transitioning up from walk to trot. I became aware of this listening to your presentation. Thank you. I plan on enrolling in one of your courses soon.

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